Institutional matrix of knowledge generation / Popov E., Vlasov M., Veretennikova A. // Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. - 2011. - V. 2, l. . - P. 780-788.

Conference Paper
Development of a knowledge economy in Russia is hindered by a number of factors. One of these is the current level of its institutional regime. According to the yearly research of the World Bank on the knowledge economy status in 146 countries, the level of Russia's institutional development has been estimated to reach 1.76 points out of 10, being in this respect ranked the 126th out of 146 countries under consideration. At the same time the knowledge economy index is 5.55, and the knowledge index is 6.82. Thus, whilepossessing a certain level of intellectual capital, the knowledge economy development is restrained by its inadequate institutional provision. The purpose of this study is to systematize institutions for knowledge generation at the level of a firm. The research object is economic processes underpinning the formation of knowledge generation institutions. The research subject is a system of economic relations within internal and external environment of a firm in the sphere of knowledge generation. By an institutional matrix the authors understand the entity of economic institutions systematized in a particular way and ensuring the firm activity in creation and application of new knowledge. In the course of research a list of institutions for knowledge generation has been drawn, basedon the firm's expenditure analysis according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The institutions have been specified due to the following indicators:Place of emergence (endogenous and exogenous);Management functions performed (planning, organization, control, and motivation institutions);Manufacture functions performed (manufacture, distribution, sale, and consumption institutions);Type of knowledge generated (institutions for operational, structural, and functional knowledge generation).These indicators have a number of winning points. Firstly, they take advantage of the type of generated knowledge. On the other hand, they are plausible at thefirm's level. Finally, they are based on the target activity of an enterprise. Thus, having singled out consistent expenses of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an institutional matrix of knowledge generation has been simulated. Scientific relevance of the model suggested is the advancement of K. Polaniy and D.North's institutional matrix phenomenon and practical application of the institutional design in the knowledge economy framework. To obtain the institutional matrix for a single firmits actual economic situation should be made allowance for. Institutional matrices designed for different enterprises, though possessing some common characteristics, are individual and depend on the industry peculiarities, target activity of a firm, management system adapted, and other factors. The matrix developed creates a theoretical platform for graphical conceptual depiction of different mechanisms coordinating economic institutions.Practical significance of the study is that it offers a tool to judge how in homogenous the distribution of economic institutions throughout the economic spheres of an enterprise is. The lack of norms and institutions in a certain field of economic activity reveals the shortage of resources in this sphere. Another practical aspect is a possibility to detect the weak points of institutional design in providing an economic activity with norms. Hence, practical realization of an institutional matrix lays a basis for working out recommendations to the firm's administration on reinforcing certain institutional blocks.
Author keywords:
Institutional matrix; Institutions; Knowledge economy
Index keywords:
Current levels; Different mechanisms; Economic activities; Economic institutions; Economic relations; Economic situation; Enterprise IS; External environments; Institutional design; Institutional deve
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Affiliations Institute of Economics, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Institutional matrix; Institutions; Knowledge economy
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Correspondence Address Popov, E.; Institute of EconomicsRussian Federation; email:
Conference name 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2011
Conference date 1 September 2011 through 2 September 2011
Conference location Passau
Conference code 94373
ISBN 9781908272096
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc. Eur. Conf. Knowl. Manage., ECKM
Source Scopus