Developing institutions of knowledge economy / Popov E., Vlasov M., Zubareva M. // Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. - 2011. - V. 2, l. . - P. 789-800.

Conference Paper
The aim of the present research is to show the working-out of institutional structure of economic development system with respect to the concept of Knowledge Economy. Evaluation of the functioning of development institutions, analysis of the degree of its elaboration and establishment of mechanisms to control institutions rendered their representation possible in the form of a single institutional framework with clearly defined hierarchical links. This structure may take the form of institutional atlas, acting at bothcountry and regional level. In this paper the institutional atlas is a summary classification of institutions, which combines several types of systematization of these institutions by various criteria: place of appearing (endogenous, exogenous), sphere of knowledge (social, technological, economical, political, cultural, and ecological), management functions (developing institutions of planning, organizing, incentive and control) and spheres of activity (developing institutions of producing, distributing, using and merchandizing). We attempt to institutional model of economic institutions of region development, which is caused by one of the features ofRussian economic space-its heterogeneity, and uneven development. As a result we got the institutional atlas of region developmentof entrepreneurship as a special case of the atlas of economic development institutions. The atlas of region development entrepreneurship institutions includes 79 institutions aimed to ensure of sustainable development, economic security and stimulating innovationactivity of the Ural region through entrepreneurship development as a main driving force of economic development. This atlas can be used for analysis of the degree of elaboration of region development entrepreneurship institutions and to develop mechanisms to control these institutions. Accordingly in this paper the hierarchical structure of region economic development institutions was worked out. Such a hierarchy is responsible to develop strategic decisions on investments of existing economic institutions. It's a good illustration of agent's interactions in the development of economic systems to addition the atlas by traditional institutions-organizations, such as business incubators, venture and innovation funds, and others. Selected sequence of economic institutions would allow defining weak places of institutional designing. And so the practical content of the atlas by specific norms and rules can be thebasis of recommending authorities to strengthening regulatory support those or other institutional units.
Author keywords:
Developing institutions; Entrepreneurship; Institutional atlas; Knowledge economy; Region development
Index keywords:
Business incubators; Driving forces; Economic development; Economic institutions; Economic security; Economic system; Entrepreneurship; Hierarchical structures; Institutional atlas; Institutional fram
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Affiliations Institute of Economics UB of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Developing institutions; Entrepreneurship; Institutional atlas; Knowledge economy; Region development
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Correspondence Address Popov, E.; Institute of Economics UB of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Conference name 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2011
Conference date 1 September 2011 through 2 September 2011
Conference location Passau
Conference code 94373
ISBN 9781908272096
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc. Eur. Conf. Knowl. Manage., ECKM
Source Scopus