Magnetic structure of the Nd5Ge3 compound / Vokhmyanin A.P., Medzhi B., Pirogov A.N., Teplykh A.E. // Physics of the Solid State. - 2014. - V. 56, l. 1. - P. 34-38.

Neutron diffraction measurements of the Nd5Ge3 intermetallic compound with a hexagonal structure (space group P63/mcm) have been performed at temperatures of ∼10 and 293 K. The basis functions of irreducible representations of the space group D 6h 3 (P63/mcm), which are calculated as a result of the symmetry analysis of possible magnetic structures with the wave vector k = μb 1, are used to facilitate the search for a real model of the magnetic structure of the compound. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
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Affiliations Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Sofii Kovalevskoi 18, Yekaterinburg, 620990, Russian Federation; Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076, India
Funding Details 10-02-00155, RFBR, Russian Foundation for Basic Research
References Schobinger-Papamantellos, P., Buschov, K.H.J., (1985) J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 49, p. 349; Maji, B., Suresh, K.G., Nigam, A.K., (2011) J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 23, p. 506002; Maji, B., Suresh, K.G., Nigam, A.K., (2010) Europhys. Lett., 91, p. 37007; Kovalev, O.V., (1986) Irreducible and Induced Representations and Co-Representations of Fedorov Groups, , Moscow: Nauka; Izyumov, Y.A., Naish, V.E., Ozerov, R.P., (1981) Neutron Diffraction of Magnetic Materials, , Moscow: Atomizdat; (1952) International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography, I. , (Kynoch, Birmingham
Correspondence Address Pirogov, A. N.; Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Sofii Kovalevskoi 18, Yekaterinburg, 620990, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Phys. Solid State
Source Scopus