Unusual magnetic phase transitions of TbNi5 / Lee S., Pirogov A.N., Podlesnyak A.A., Prokeš K., Dorofeef Yu.A., Teplykh A.E., Swainson I.P., Park J.-G. // Physica B: Condensed Matter. - 2006. - V. 385-386 I, l. . - P. 349-352.

In order to understand the nature of magnetic transitions in intermetallic TbNi5 compound, we have performed high resolution powder and single crystal neutron diffraction studies. Powder diffraction patterns can be described by a superposition of a ferromagnet (k1 = 0) and a transverse spin wave (k2 ≈ 2 π / c (0, 0, 0.018)). The single crystal experiments reveal two spontaneous magnetic transitions: one is a second-order transition at 24 K from a paramagnetic state to an incommensurate structure and another a first-order transition at 10 K from the incommensurate structure to a lock-in structure. At the low-temperature transition a large (∼ 15 K) thermal hysteresis is observed in the temperature dependence of the intensity of magnetic peaks. External magnetic fields destroy the modulated structure and induce a ferromagnetic state, which remains stable even after magnetic fields are switched off. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author keywords:
Incommensurate magnetic structure; Phase transition; TbNi5
Index keywords:
Crystals; Ferromagnetic materials; Hysteresis; Magnetic fields; Neutron diffraction; Phase transitions; Thermoanalysis; Ferromagnetic state; Incommensurate magnetic structure; Powder diffraction patte
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33751325923&doi=10.1016%2fj.physb.2006.05.048&partnerID=40&md5=e9e3ac12a929e3adee181ac5d8feb254
Affiliations Department of Physics, Institute of Basic Science, SungKyunKwan University, Suwon, 440-746, South Korea; Institute of Metal Physics, RAS, Ekaterinburg, 620041, Russian Federation; Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH Zurich and Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 PSI, Villigen, Switzerland; Hahn-Meitner Institute, SF-2, Berlin, D-14109, Germany; NRC, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ont. KOJ 1JO, Canada
Author Keywords Incommensurate magnetic structure; Phase transition; TbNi5
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Correspondence Address Park, J.-G.; Department of Physics, Institute of Basic Science, SungKyunKwan University, Suwon, 440-746, South Korea; email: jgpark@skku.edu
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Phys B Condens Matter
Source Scopus