New synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazepin-5-ones / Mironov M.A., Ivantsova M.N., Tokareva M.I., Mokrushin V.S. // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2004. - V. 53, l. 6. - P. 1232-1236.

A new convenient method for the synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazepin-5-ones by a one-pot procedure including condensation of thiosalicylic acid with chloroacetone and the reaction of the resulting 2-(acetoxythio)benzoic acid without isolation with primary amines and isocyanides is proposed. This method can be used for the combinatorial search of compounds with biological activities in the 1,4-benzothiazepine series.
Author keywords:
1,4-benzothiazepines; combinatorial synthesis; isocyanides; Ugi reaction
Index keywords:
2 (acetoxythio)benzoic acid; acetone; amine; benzoic acid derivative; benzothiazepine derivative; cyanide; ketone derivative; thiosalicylic acid; unclassified drug; article; chemical reaction; combina
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Affiliations Urals State Technical University, 19 Ul. Mira, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russ. Fed., Russian Federation
Author Keywords 1,4-benzothiazepines; combinatorial synthesis; isocyanides; Ugi reaction
Chemicals/CAS acetone, 67-64-1; cyanide, 57-12-5; thiosalicylic acid, 147-93-3
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Correspondence Address Urals State Technical University, 19 Ul. Mira, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russ. Fed.Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Russ. Chem. Bull.
Source Scopus