New method for the combinatorial search of multi component reactions / Mironov M.A., Mokrushin V.S., Maltsev S.S. // Synlett. - 2003. - V. , l. 7. - P. 943-946.

A novel method for the combinatorial finding of multi component reactions involving replacements of oligomerisation participants is introduced. Using this method the new three-component reaction between isoquinoline, gem-diactivated olefins and isocyanides leading to substituted 2,3-dihydro-10H-pyrrolo[2,1-α]isoquinoline-1-ones is described.
Author keywords:
Combinatorial chemistry; Isocyanides; Isoquinoline; Multi component reaction; Reaction design
Index keywords:
alkene derivative; cyanide; isoquinoline derivative; article; chemical reaction kinetics; combinatorial chemistry; crystallization; methodology; oligomerization; polymerization; stereochemistry
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Affiliations Department of Technology of Organic Synthesis (TOSLab), Urals State Technical University, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Combinatorial chemistry; Isocyanides; Isoquinoline; Multi component reaction; Reaction design
Chemicals/CAS cyanide, 57-12-5
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Correspondence Address Mironov, M.A.; Dept. Technol. of Organ. Synthesis, Urals State Technical University, 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Synlett
Source Scopus