Nitrogen oxide formation during fluidized bed combustion of coals and shales / Munts V.A., Munts Yu.G., Baskakov A.P., Pavlyuk E.Yu. // Power Technology and Engineering. - 2014. - V. 48, l. 1. - P. 34-41.

Experimental data are presented on the time dependence of nitrogen oxide formation during combustion of batches of various fuels in fluidized beds. It is shown that the formation of nitrogen oxides takes place both in the stage where coke residue is burnt and in the stage where volatile substances are burnt. The nitrogen in the coke residue is oxidized by a heterogeneous mechanism similar to that by which carbon is burnt; the extent to which it is converted into oxides under oxidizing conditions depends on the ratio of the oxidation rate constants for nitrogen and carbon. The formation of nitrogen oxides during combustion of the volatiles is described adequately by the overall gaseous phase equilibrium of the reaction. Amethod for calculating the NOx yield along the height of a fluidized bed furnace is developed on the basis of the mechanisms found for nitrogen oxide formation during the different stages of combustion of the fuel particles. © 2014 Springer Science + Business Media New York.
Author keywords:
Coals; Coke residue; Combustion; Fluidized bed; Nitrogen oxides; Shales; Volatiles
Index keywords:
Carbon; Coal; Coal combustion; Combustion; Fluidized beds; Nitrogen; Nitrogen oxides; Rate constants; Shale; Different stages; Formation of nitrogen oxides; Oxidation rates; Oxide formation; Oxidizing
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Affiliations First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin Urals Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Coals; Coke residue; Combustion; Fluidized bed; Nitrogen oxides; Shales; Volatiles
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Publisher Springer New York LLC
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Power Technol. Eng.
Source Scopus