Generation and reduction of nitrogen oxides in firing different kinds of fuel in a circulating fluidized bed / Munts V.A., Munts Yu.G., Baskakov A.P., Proshin A.S. // Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). - 2013. - V. 60, l. 11. - P. 791-801.

The processes through which nitrogen oxides are generated and reduced in the course of firing different kinds of fuel in a circulating fluidized bed are addressed. All experimental studies were carried by the authors on their own laboratory installations. To construct a model simulating the generation of nitrogen oxides, the fuel combustion process in a fluidized bed was subdivided into two stages: combustion of volatiles and combustion of coke residue. The processes through which nitrogen oxides are generated and reduced under the conditions of firing fuel with shortage of oxygen (which is one of efficient methods for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions in firing fuel in a fluidized bed) are considered. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
Author keywords:
circulating fluidized bed; nitrogen oxides; solid fuel
Index keywords:
Fluidized bed combustion; Fluidized beds; Nitrogen oxides; Circulating fluidized bed; Fuel combustion; Nitrogen oxide emissions; Solid fuels; With shortage; Fuels
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation
Author Keywords circulating fluidized bed; nitrogen oxides; solid fuel
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Publisher Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Therm Eng
Source Scopus