Formation of Nitrogen Oxides in Burning Solid Fuel / Munts V.A., Lekomtseva Yu.G., Baskakov A.P. // Thermal Engineering. - 1997. - V. 44, l. 12. - P. 993-998.

Experimental data determining the kinetic constants for burning in a fluidized bed and for forming nitrogen oxides from shales and coals having different rates of devolatilization are presented. Experiments demonstrated that nitrogen oxides were formed when volatiles were burned and also in the phase when the carbon residue is burned. Generalized correlations for calculating the degree of transformation of fuel nitrogen into oxides when burning coke and volatiles are obtained. Calculated results are compared with known experimental data on burning solid fuel in a fluidized bed and in a pulverized-coal flame.
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Affiliations Ural State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation
References Munts, V.A., Lekomtseva, Yu.G., Fedorenko, Yu.N., Baskakov, A.P., A Procedure for Calculating Burning-Out of Highly Volatile Fuels in a Fluidized Bed (1991) Sibirskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Zhurnal, (5), pp. 55-59; Puzyrev, E.M., Simonov, A.M., An Investigation of Drying and Devolatilization of Coal Particles in a Fluidized Bed Furnace (1988) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (3), pp. 55-57; Vilenskii, T.V., Calculations of the Dynamics of Nitrogen Oxide Formation when Burning a Pulverized Fuel (1986) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Energ., (12), pp. 66-70; Babii, V.I., Kuvoev, B.F., (1986) Gorenie Pyleugol'noi Pyli i Raschet Pyleugol'nogo Fakela (Burning Pulverized Coal and Calculations for a Pulverized Coal Flame), , Moscow: Energoatomizdat; Gusev, I.N., Zaichik, L.I., Kudryavtsev, N.Yu., Simulation of Nitrogen Oxide Formation from Solid Fuel Combustion in Furnace Chambers (1993) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (1), pp. 32-36; Kotler, V.R., (1987) Oksidy Azota v Dymovykh Gazakh Kotlov (Nitrogen Oxides in the Flue Gases of Boilers), , Moscow: Énergoatomizdat; Predvoditelev, A.S., Khitrin, L.N., Tsukhanova, O.A., (1949) Gorenie Ugleroda (Burning Carbon), , Moscow-Leningrad; Baskakov, A.P., Filipovskii, N.F., Munts, V.A., Calculations of the Temperature of Particles Burned in the Fluidized Bed of an Inert Material (1987) Inzh. Fiz. Zhurnal, 52 (5), pp. 788-793; Munts, V.A., Baskakov, A.P., Ashikhmin, A.A., Prediction of Gas Generation from Solid Fuel Combustion in a Fluidized Bed (1988) Inzh. Fiz. Zhurnal, 54 (3), pp. 432-438; Pomerantsev, V.V., (1986) Osnovy Prakticheskoi Teorii Goreniya (Fundamentals of the Practical Theory of Combustion), , Leningrad: Energoatomizdat; Gibbs, B.M., Pereira, F.J., Beer, J.M., Coal Combustion and NO Formation in an Experimental Fluidized Bed (1975) Inst. Fuel Symp. Ser., (1). , Fluidized Combustion; Titov, S.P., Babii, V.I., Barabash, V.M., An Investigation of the Formation of Nitrogen Oxides from Fuel Nitrogen when Burning Pulverized Coals (1980) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (3), pp. 64-67
Correspondence Address Munts, V.A.; Ural State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation
Publisher IAPC Nauka/Interperiodica
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Therm Eng
Source Scopus