Mathematical Modeling and Visual Investigations of Channel Type Separators / Baskakov A.P., Bubenchikov A.M., Zakharova E.M., Gogolev A.F., Markovich D.M., Starchenko A.V. // Thermal Engineering. - 1997. - V. 44, l. 2. - P. 114-117.

Investigations of the operation of channel-type separators, including hydraulic and mathematical modeling, as applied to boilers with a circulating fluidized bed were carried out.
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Affiliations Ural State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
References Kobro, H., Brereton, C., Control and Fuel Flexibility of Circulating Fluidized Bed (1985) Ist Int. Conf. on CFB, pp. 263-272. , Halifax; Belin, F., CFB Boilers with an Impact Particle Separator - Design and Operating Experience (1993) Preprint Volume for 4th Int. Conf. on CFB, pp. 233-238. , Somerset, USA; Puzyrev, E.M., Stropus, V.V., Sidorov, A.M., Il'in, Yu.M., Reconstructing Boilers to Bum Coal in a Circulating Fluidized Bed (1993) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (9), pp. 14-16; Ta-San, W., Guizhand, Y., Yongjie, N., The Staged Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler with Louver Type Separators (1993) Proc. 12th int Conf. on CFB, 2, pp. 687-690; Nigmatulin, R.I., (1987) Dinamika Mnogofaznykh Sred (Multiphase Flow Dynamics), 1. , Moscow: Nauka; Bubenchikov, A.M., Starchenko, A.V., (1992) Inzh. Fiz. Zhurn., 63, pp. 51-57; Paurahmadi, F., Humphrey, J.A., (1983) Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, 4 (3), pp. 191-219
Correspondence Address Baskakov, A.P.; Ural State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
Publisher IAPC Nauka/Interperiodica
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Therm Eng
Source Scopus