Electric furnaces with a fluidized bed for implementing environmentally safe heat treatment processes in machine building / Baskakov A.P., Fainshmidt E.M. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1996. - V. 38, l. 9-10. - P. 386-389.

Current designs of electric tank furnaces with a fluidized bed that provide environmentally safe heat treatment of steels as tested under the conditions of machine-building plants are considered.
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References Baskakov, A.P., (1974) Heating and Cooling Metals in a Fluidized Bed [in Russian], , Metallurgiya, Moscow; Baskakov, A.P., Berg, B.V., Ryzhkov, A.F., (1978) Processes of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Fluidized Bed [in Russian], , Metallurgiya, Moscow; Fainshmidt, E.M., Zavarov, A.S., Pirogov, Yu.B., (1984) Heat Treatment of Machine Parts in a Fluidized Bed [in Russian], , TsNI-INTI, Moscow; Zavarov, A.S., Baskakov, A.P., Grachev, S.V., Fainshmidt, E.M., Use of a fluidized bed for heat and chemical heat treatment (1984) Metalloved. Term. Obrab. Met., 10, pp. 35-40; A method for steam oxidation of sintered articles of iron powders (1987) Byull. Otkryt. Izobret., 25. , USSR Inventor's Certificate 1321523; Fainshmidt, E.M., Pumpyanskaya, T.A., Shalamov, A.A., (1986) Fabrication of Powder Parts [in Russian], , TsNIINTI; An installation for nitriding articles in a vibrofluidized bed (1994) Byull. Otkryt. Izobret., 3. , Patent 2007497 RF
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Met. Sci. Heat Treat.
Source Scopus