Motion of a gas in a cyclone heat exchanger / Kirakosyan V.A., Lavrovskaya E.Yu., Baskakov A.P. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1991. - V. 60, l. 2. - P. 224-230.

A semi-empirical theory of turbulence is used to obtain relations for calculation of the field of gas velocity in the flow core and boundary layer in a cyclone chamber. To close the system of Navier-Stokes equations, the apparent shear stress is represented in the form of the gradient dependence in circulation. The relations for calculating the tangential component of velocity were derived using experimental data on the qualitative character of the distribution of apparent shear stress over the radius of the cyclone. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Flow Of Fluids - Turbulent; Gases; Heat Transfer; Mass Transfer; Mathematical Models; Cyclone Heat Exchangers; Heat Exchangers
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Affiliations VNIIenergotsvetmet, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
References G. Shlichting, Boundary Layer Theory [Russian translation], Moscow (1969); Loitsyanskii, L.T., (1953) Prikl. Mat. Mekh., 17 (1), pp. 3-16; L. T. Loitsyanskii, Mechanics of Liquids and Gases [in Russian], Moscow (1970); A. N. Shtym, Aerodynamics of Cyclone-Vortex Chambers [in Russian], Vladivostok (1985); B. P. Ustimenko, Turbulent Transport in Rotating Flows [in Russian], Alma-Ata (1977); Ustimenko, B.P., Bukhman, M.A., Abramovich, N.G., (1981) Vestn. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR, 11, pp. 43-51; I. P. Ginzburg, Theory of Resistance and Heat Transfer, Leningrad (1970); Ogawa, A., Fujita, I., (1984) J. Coll. Eng. Nihon Univ., 25 A, pp. 31-42; Saburov, E.N., Leukhin, (1985) Inzh.-fiz. Zh., 48 (3), pp. 369-375
Correspondence Address Kirakosyan, V.A.; VNIIenergotsvetmet, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Journal of Engineering Physics
Source Scopus