On gas motion in a cyclone heat exchange / Kiradosyan V.A., Lavrovskaya E.Yu., Baskakov A.P. // Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal. - 1991. - V. 60, l. 2. - P. 277-284.

Mathematical model is presented for description of gas motion in a cyclone heat exchanger. Using a semiempirical turbulence theory, relations are obtained to calculate gas velocity fields in a flow core and at a cyclone chamber wall. In order to close the system of Navier - Stokes equations, the turbulent shear stress is presented as a gradient function of velocity circulation. The relation for calculating the tangent velocity component is derived using the experimental data on radial distribution of the turbulent shear stress. Calculating results of radial and axis velocity components of a vortex flow are in a good agreement with the known data.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Flow of Fluids - Vortex Flow; Mathematical Models - Calculations; Mathematical Techniques - Finite Difference Method; Cyclone Chambers; Navier Stokes Equations; Heat Exchangers
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Affiliations VNII Energotsvetmet, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Correspondence Address Kiradosyan, V.A.; VNII Energotsvetmet, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
CODEN 50004
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Inzh Fiz Zh
Source Scopus