Aerodynamics and heat transfer in cyclones with particle-laden gas flow / Baskakov A.P., Dolgov V.N., Goldobin Yu.M. // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. - 1990. - V. 3, l. 6. - P. 597-602.

Experiments were performed on a 204 mm diameter water-cooled cyclone to measure the pressure drop and heat transfer in different sections of the cyclone. Hot gas at 250°C entered the cyclone with and without suspended particles. Heat transfer and pressure drop in solids-free gas flow were compared with those measured for particle-laden gas flow of different solids. © 1990.
Author keywords:
cyclone; heat transfer; particle-laden gas; pressure drop
Index keywords:
Aerodynamics; Flow of Fluids--Pressure Measurement; Heat Transfer; Flow-to-Wall Heat Transfer; Gas Flow; Particle-Laden Gas; Pressure Drop; Chemical Equipment; Cyclones; Heat Transfer; Pressure Drop
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Affiliations Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Author Keywords cyclone; heat transfer; particle-laden gas; pressure drop
References Adiutory, What's Wrong with h? (1986) 8th International Heat Transfer Conference, , San Francisco, Cal; Kays, London, Compact Heat Exchangers (1967) Compact Heat Exchangers, , (Russian transl.), Moscow; Binder, Kondukov, Issledovanie teploobmena mezhdu fazami v psevdoozhizhennom sloye (1966) IF Zh., 10, pp. 754-758; Kozulin, Ershov, Issledovanie teploobmena v tsiklonnom apparate s razlichnym ispolnenium tepploperedayuschikh poverkhnostei (1961) Izv. Vuzov. Energetika, 6; Szekely, Carr, Heat Transfer in a Cyclone (1966) Chem. Eng. Sci., 21, pp. 1119-1132
Correspondence Address Baskakov, A.P.; Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci.
Source Scopus