Experimental investigation of the radiant and conductive-convective components of external heat exchange in a high-temperature fluidized bed / Panov O.M., Baskakov A.P., Goldobin Yu.M., Filippovskii N.F., Mazur Yu.S. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1979. - V. 36, l. 3. - P. 275-279.

The results of the experimental investigation of the components of complex external heat exchange in a high-temperature fluidized bed, by means of a radiometer and two α calorimeters with a different degree of surface blackness, are given. © 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
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Affiliations S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
References Blokh, A.G., (1962) Principles of Heat Exchange by Radiation [in Russian], , Gosénergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad; Krechmar, É., (1968) Sputtering of Metals, Ceramics, and Plastics [Russian translation], , Mashinostroenie, Moscow; Harrison, R., (1964) Radiation Pyrometry [Russian translation], , Mir, Moscow; Sheindlin, A.E., (1974) Radiative Properties of Solid Materials [in Russian], , Énergiya, Moscow; A. S. Nevskii and L. V. Il'chukova, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., No. 6 (1968); Pikashov, V.S., Zabrodskii, S.S., Makhorin, K.E., Il'chenko, A.I., (1968) Heat and Mass Transfer in Dispersed Systems [in Russian], Vol. 5, , Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk; Yu. M. Goldobin, O. M. Panov, and A. P. Baskakov, Dep. in “Informénergo,” Journal of Abstracts, All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Information, Heat and Mass Exchange [in Russian], No. 8 (1976); Goldobin, Makushenko, V.M., (1976) Industrial Ovens with Fluidized Beds [in Russian], No. 242, , Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk; A. P. Baskakov et al., Powder Technol., No. 8 (1973); A. P. Baskakov and Yu. M. Goldobin, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Energ. Transport, No. 4 (1970); H. S. Mickley et al., Chem. Eng. Prog., Symp. Ser., 57, No. 32 (1961); K. E. Makhorin, V. S. Pikashov, and G. P. Kuchin, Khim. Tekhnol., No. 2 (1976); V. S. Pikashov, S. S. Zabrodskii, K. E. Makhorin, and A. I. Il'chenko, Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Energ. Nauk, No. 2 (1969); A. I. Il'chenko, V. S. Pikashov, and K. E. Makhorin, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 14, No. 4 (1968); A. P. Baskakov and N. F. Filippovskii, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 20, No. 1 (1971); N. F. Filippovskii and A. P. Baskakov, Teor. Osn. Khim. Tekhnol., 6, No. 5 (1972)
Correspondence Address Panov, O.M.; S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Journal of Engineering Physics
Source Scopus