Local heat transfer between a vertical cylinder and a fluidized bed / Berg B.V., Baskakov A.P., SerÉÉteriin B. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1974. - V. 21, l. 6. - P. 1484-1488.

The heat-transfer coefficients for a vertical cylinder in a fluidized bed have been determined experimentally. The value of such a coefficient is found to vary considerably along the cylinder height. © 1974 Consultants Bureau.
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-34250425973&doi=10.1007%2fBF00835961&partnerID=40&md5=6238886bbb685e97f017e5133ebab21f
Affiliations S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
References Baskakov, A.P., (1968) Fast Nonoxidizing Heating and Heat Treatment in a Fluidized Bed [in Russian], , Metallurgiya, Moscow; Noack, R., (1970) Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 6, p. 371; N. V. Antonishin and S. S. Zabrodskii, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 6, No. 11 (1963); Antifeev, V.A., Baskakov, A.P., Onokhin, V.F., Svetlakov, V.I., (1965) Technology of Hot Stamping [in Russian], p. 75. , Izd. Uralsk. Politekh, Ins t., Sverdlovsk; Baskakov, A.P., Berg, B.V., Zavarov, A.S., Kirnos, I.V., Sadilov, P.V., (1970) Progressive Methods of Metal and Alloy Heat Treatment, Papers of the All-Union Seminar [in Russian], May 19–21 (1970), p. 90. , Kommuna, Voronezh; I. N.Taganov, L. G. Malkhasyan, and P. G. Romankov, Teor. Osnovy Khim. Tekhnolog., 1, No.3 (1967); I. N. Taganov and P. G. Romankov, Teor. Osnovy Khim. Tekhnolog., 2, No. 5 (1968); Gel'perin, N.I., Ainshtein, V.G., Kvasha, V.B., (1967) Principles of the Fluidized-Bed Technique [in Russian], , Khimiya, Moscow; H. S. Mickley, D. F. Fairbanks, and R. D. Hawthorn, Paper No. 8, Heat-Transfer Conference, New York, August 14–17 (1960); Kruzhilin, G.N., Shvab, V.A., (1935) Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 5 (4), p. 703; Tiot, D.L., Rivkin, S.L., Sirota, A.M., Vargaftik, N.B., (1958) Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam [in Russian], , GEI, Moscow-Leningrad; Lopshits, A.M., (1948) Schedules for Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis [in Russian], , Gostekhizdat, Moscow; Berg, B.V., Baskakov, A.P., (1967) Khim. Promyshl., 6, p. 439
Correspondence Address Berg, B.V.; S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Journal of Engineering Physics
Source Scopus