Surface processes in carburizing / Baskakov A.P., Kirnos I.V., Zuikova N.A. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1972. - V. 14, l. 1. - P. 55-56.

In calculating carburizing processes in furnaces with a fluidized bed one can disregard the limiting effect of mass transfer on the surface; the efficiency of the general process of carburizing is fairly accurately described in this case by solving the diffusion equation with first-order boundary conditions. The rate of carburizing in convection furnaces operating with a liquid or gaseous carburizer is slowed down by surface processes. An increase of the carbon diffusion coefficient in the steel as the result of raising the carburizing temperature and increasing the thickness of the layer of soot increases the retarding effect of surface processes. © 1972 Consultants Bureau.
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References M. M. Zamyatnin, Calculating Processes in Chemicothermal Treatments of Steel on the Basis of Diffusion Theory [in Russian], LDNTP (1966); M. E. Blanter, Zavod. Lab., No. 3 (1948); A. P. Baskakov and V. M. Suprun, Khim. Promyshlennost', No. 9 (1970); A. A. Popov, Theoretical Basis of Chemicothermal Treatments [in Russian] (1962); Lykov, A.A., (1967) Theory of Thermal Conductivity, , Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow; A. P. Baskakov et al., in: Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 5 [in Russian], Minsk (1968)
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Met Sci Heat Treat
Source Scopus