Long-range atomic order parameters of a three-component solid solution FePd2Au / Sachkov I.N., Chemerinskaya L.S., Ovchinnikov V.V. // Physics of the Solid State. - 1996. - V. 38, l. 2. - P. 331-334.

A method is developed for reconstructing the parameters of long-range atomic order in solid solutions. The structure of ordered FePd2Au is determined. The relation between its structure and physical properties is discussed. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. [S1063-7834(96)02902-9].
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Affiliations Ural State Technical University, 620002 Ekateringburg, Russian Federation
References Geǐchenko, V.V., Larikov, L.N., Fal'chenko, V.M., (1975) Diffusion Proccesses in Ordered Alloys [in Russian], , Kiev; Pal'guev, E.V., Kuranov, A.A., Syutkin, P.N., (1976) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 41, p. 549; Men'shikov, A.Z., Gasnikova, G.P., Dorofeev, Yu.A., (1979) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 47, p. 1185; Pal'guev, E.V., Kuranov, A.A., Syutkin, P.N., (1976) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 41, p. 1208; Chemerinskaya, L.S., Oblasov, A.K., Babanova, E.N., (1981) Physical Properties of Metals and Alloys [in Russian], (3), pp. 20-23. , Sverdlovsk; Babanova, E.N., Sachkov, I.N., Chemerinskaya, L.S., (1982) Physical Methods for Invesstigation of Solids [in Russian], (4), pp. 26-29. , Sverdlovsk; Ryzhenko, B.V., Goloborodskiǐ, B.Yu., Sidorenko, F.A., Gel'd, P.V., (1982) Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 24, p. 33. , (Leningrad); (1982) Sov. Phys. Solid State, 24, p. 18; Mirkin, L.I., (1961) Handbook of X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Polycrystals [in Russian], , Moscow; Izyumov, Yu.A., (1964) Magnetic Neutron Diffraction Analysis [in Russian], , Moscow; Lobasheva, N.A., Sachkov, I.N., Chemerinskaya, L.S., (1990) Apparatus and Methods of X-ray Analysis [in Russian], (40), pp. 203-207. , Leningrad; Umanskiǐ, Ya.S., Skakov, Yu.A., Ivanov, A.N., (1982) Crystallography, X-ray Diffraction Analysis, and Electron Microscopy [in Russian], , Moscow; Litvinov, V.S., Karakishev, S.D., Ovchinnikov, V.V., (1982) Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Alloys [in Russian], , Moscow; Grishchenko, S.V., Sachkov, I.N., Chemerinskaya, L.S., (1987) Manuscript Depostied in All-russia Inslitute of Scientific and Technical Information, , September 3, Control No. 6462-87; Shpinel, V.S., (1969) Mössbauer Effect in Crystals [in Russian], , Moscow; Vereshchagin, Yu.A., Pushin, V.G., Tyulenev, L.N., (1990) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., (11), p. 150
Correspondence Address Sachkov, I.N.; Ural State Technical University, 620002 Ekateringburg, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Phys. Solid State
Source Scopus