Removal of phosphorus in the final stages of oxidative refining of phosphorus hot metals / Babenko A.A. // Steel in Translation. - 2012. - V. 41, l. 12. - P. 985-987.

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Affiliations OAO Ural'skii Institut Metallov, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
References Knuppel, H., Oeters, F., Zur Thermodynamik der Entphosphorungsreaktion unter kalkheltigen Phosphat-Schlacken (1961) Arch. Eisenhuttenwesen, 32 (12), pp. 799-808; Kolpakov, S.V., Starov, R.V., Smoktii, V.V., (1991) Tekhnologiya Proizvodstva Stali V Sovremennykh Konverternykh Tsekhakh (Steel Production in Today's Converter Shops), , Moscow: Mashinostroenie; Arsent'ev, P.P., Kvitko, M.P., (1983) Konverter Protsess S Donnym Dut'em (Converter Process with Bottom Injection), , Moscow: Metallurgiya; Smirnov, L.L., Klein, A.L., (1987) Peredel Fosforistogo Chuguna V Bol'shegruznykh Kislororodykh Konverterakh (Processing of Phosphorus Hot Metal in Large Oxygen Converters), , Moscow: Metallurgiya; Babenko, A.A., (2003) Konverternoe Proizvodstvo Stali (Converter Production of Steel), pp. 19-24. , Yekaterinburg: Izd. UrO RAN; Baptizmanskii, V.I., (1975) Teoriya Kislorodno-Konverternogo Protsessa (Theory of the Oxygen-Converter Process), , Moscow: Metallurgiya; Kazachkov, E.A., Strakhov, V.T., Kiryushkin, Y.I., (1966) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall, (7), pp. 65-70; Babenko, A.A., Enin, N.N., Temirbulatov, B.A., (1986) Stal, (12), pp. 35-36
Correspondence Address Babenko, A. A.; OAO Ural'skii Institut Metallov, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Steel Transl.
Source Scopus