Smelting steel from semiprocessed carbon hot metal under magnesia slag in 160-t converters / Babenko A.A., Fomichev M.S., Krivykh L.Y., Levchuk V.V., Remigo S.A. // Steel in Translation. - 2010. - V. 40, l. 8. - P. 733-736.

The influence of the temperature and the chemical composition of the slag on the saturation concentration of MgO is analyzed, along with the composition of the final magnesia slags. A rational slag composition for periods of converter-bath injection is developed, with corresponding methods of slag formation. Such slag extends the life of the converter lining to 4000 melts, without loss of performance. © 2010 Allerton Press, Inc.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Chemical compositions; Converter linings; Hot metal; Loss of performance; Saturation concentration; Slag compositions; Slag formation; Chemical analysis; Magnesia; Slags
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Affiliations OAO Ural'skii Institut Metallov, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; OAO Nizhnetagil'skii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat (NTMK), Nizhnii Tagil, Russian Federation
References Khoroshavin, L.B., Perepelitsyn, V.A., Kononov, V.A., (2001) Magnezial'nye Ogneupory: Sprav. Izd.(Magnesia Refractories: A Handbook), , Moscow: Intermet Engineering; Babenko, A.A., Selection of Rational Means of Increasing the Wear Resistance of Magnesia Converter Linings (2005) Novye Ogneup, (1), pp. 26-28; Shyurman, E., Mann, G., Nohle, D., Influence of Dissolved MgO on the Life of Dolomite Linings in Oxygen Converters (1985) Chern. Met, (3), pp. 33-41; Babenko, A.A., Chelpan, S.M., Krivykh, L.Y., Analysis of the Influence of the Metal Temperature and the Basicity and Oxidation of Magnesia Slags on the Saturation with MgO and Refining Properties (2005) Novye Tekhnologii I Materialy V Metallurgii(New Technologies and Materials in Metallurgy), pp. 170-178. , Yekaterinburg: UIM; Okhotskii, V.B., Thermodynamic Characteristics of Converter Slags (1998) Teoriya i praktika kislorodno-konverternykh protsessov. Tr. IV Mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. konf. (Theory and Practice of Oxygen-Converter Processes: Proceedings of Fourth International Conference), p. 29. , Dnepropetrovsk; Babenko, A.A., Thermodynamic Model for Predicting the Equilibrium Phosphorus Content in the Metal under Slags from Different Stages of Converter Smelting (2003) Konverternoe Proizvodstvo Stali(Converter Production of Steel), pp. 19-24. , Yekaterinburg: UIM; Slag Injection in Bao Steel 300-t Oxygen Converter and Crystallographic Structure of Slag (2001) Nov. Chern. Metall. Rub, (2), pp. 48-49
Correspondence Address Babenko, A. A.; OAO Ural'skii Institut Metallov, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Steel Transl.
Source Scopus