Patterns of the accumulation of chemical elements in the plankton of a fresh water body / Polyakov E.V., Chebotina M.Y., Khlebnikov N.A., Guseva V.P., Surikov V.T. // Russian Journal of Ecology. - 2012. - V. 43, l. 5. - P. 378-385.

For the first time, comparative data are presented on the distribution of 70 chemical elements occurring in the Beloyarsk Reservoir between the water and the plant and animal components of the plankton (phyto- and zooplankton). All these elements are ranked into groups according to the values of accumulation coefficient (AC) for phytoplankton and zooplankton. For the sum of all chemical elements, a significant positive correlation has been revealed between their content in the water and in the plankton. It has been shown that elements with even atomic numbers and concentrations in the plankton below 7 μg/g dry weight are accumulated by the plankton in significantly larger amounts than such elements with odd atomic numbers. This fact confirms the classic concept developed by A. P. Vinogradov that the prevalence of chemical elements in the biosphere depends on their position in the periodic system. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Author keywords:
accumulation coefficients; Beloyarsk Reservoir; chemical elements; phytoplankton; zooplankton
Index keywords:
bioaccumulation; chemical composition; comparative study; correlation; freshwater ecosystem; periodicity; phytoplankton; zooplankton; Beloyarsk Reservoir; Russian Federation; Sverdlovsk; Animalia
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Affiliations Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Pervomaiskaya 91, Yekaterinburg 620990, Russian Federation; Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vos'mogo Marta 202, Yekaterinburg 620144, Russian Federation
Author Keywords accumulation coefficients; Beloyarsk Reservoir; chemical elements; phytoplankton; zooplankton
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Correspondence Address Polyakov, E. V.; Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Pervomaiskaya 91, Yekaterinburg 620990, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Russ. J. Ecol.
Source Scopus