Professional education and labor market / Zborovski G., Shuklina E. // Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya. - 2003. - V. , l. 4. - P. 99-106+159.

Addresses interaction between primary, high and higher professional education and labor market as an aspect of market economy in the making. The study is based on statistics and sociological survey in the Urals federal territory. As a result authors argue that their study of the above issue is closely linked to further studies of educational wants among varying categories of learning and working youth. An outspoken disharmony was found to exist between labor market demands for professions and levels of worker's skills, on the one hand, and professional education bodies offers, - on the other. What is needed under these circumstances is to overcome lacking coordination between labor market and education services offered. Ways to solve the issue are suggested.
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Publisher Russian Academy of Sciences
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Sotsiologicheskie Issled.
Source Scopus