Development of lifelong learning system in Russia / Bannykh G.A., Kostina S.N. // Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. - 2012. - V. 12, l. 10. - P. 1370-1374.

In the present article authors consider the bases of establishment and development of lifelong learning system in the world and in Russia. The special attention is given to problems of creation this system in Russia in connection with features of its integration into world educational space. Actually it is necessary to answer a question-whether all and always need to be educated and for whom it is necessary-for a society or the person? And is even more exact, what formula to follow is better: "lifelong learning" or "learning for all life"? Without answers to these global questions it is impossible to solve the eternal problems facing education now as the organized structure of a society: for what aim and how to educate in new social and economic conditions. The concept of education in wide plan is historically changing that accordingly involves reorientation of his purposes, functions, structure, occurrence of new educational structures and corresponding social institutes. But, despite these changes, the main line of education always had and has a problematical character. The purpose of this article is to analyse basic elements of lifelong learning system in Russia, forms of education during life, continuity of the basic steps of education. Research also assumes the comparative analysis of lifelong education system in Russia and the European countries. © IDOSI Publications, 2012.
Author keywords:
Additional vocational training; Bachelor degree; Integration; Levels of education; Lifelong education; Lifelong education system; Master degree; Self-education; The higher vocational training; The second higher education
Index keywords:
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Additional vocational training; Bachelor degree; Integration; Levels of education; Lifelong education; Lifelong education system; Master degree; Self-education; The higher vocational training; The second higher education
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Correspondence Address Bannykh, G.A.; Ural Federal University, Lenina str. 13b, r.203, 620014 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Middle East J. Sci. Res.
Source Scopus