Object rotations and speckle dynamics / Vladimirov A.P., Popov D.O. // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. - 2004. - V. 5476, l. . - P. 80-85.

Conference Paper
The effect of speckle displacement in the region of the image of a rotating plane specimen revealed earlier is applied to studying rotation of objects under deformation. In the experiment a cylindric specimen is tensioned up to fracture. The total rotation of the surface of a specimen under plastic deformation, which is measured by speckle displacement, and the slope of the surface measured by a photograph of the fractured specimen are shown to coincide to within the measurement errors. The displacements are shown to appear in plastic deformation, to be symmetric about the center of the image of the working part of the specimen and to have opposite directions.
Author keywords:
Displacements and deformations; Laser diagnostics of rotations; Rotating specimen; Rough surface; Speckles
Index keywords:
Dynamics; Image processing; Photointerpretation; Program diagnostics; Rotation; Speckle; Surface roughness; Object rotations; Optic systems; Scattered waves; Speckle dynamics; Object oriented programm
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-8844241538&doi=10.1117%2f12.578895&partnerID=40&md5=73395baf7a768af8012fe09bf820bcd2
Affiliations Institute of Engineering Science, Urals Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 34 Komsomolskaya Str., Yekaterinburg, 620219, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Displacements and deformations; Laser diagnostics of rotations; Rotating specimen; Rough surface; Speckles
References Yamaguchi, I., Speckle displacement and decorrelation in the diffraction and image fields for small object deformation (1991) Optica Acta, 28, pp. 1359-1376; Yamaguchi, I., Fujita, T., Linear and rotary encoders using electronic speckle correlation (1989) SPIE Proceedings, 1162, pp. 213-226; Yamaguchi, I., Fujita, T., Laser speckle rotary encoder (1989) Applied Optics, 28 (28), pp. 4401-4406; Vladimirov, A.P., (2002) Dynamic Speckle-interferometry of Objects under Deformation, 393p. , Doctoral dissertation. Ekaterinburg, (in Russian); Vladimirov, A.P., A three-dimensional diffuser and three-dimensional speckles (1998) Journal of Technical Physics, 68 (12), pp. 59-63. , in Russian; Vladimirov, A.P., Popov, D.O., Rigid rotations of a plate and the related speckle displacements in the region of the image plane (2003) Technical Physics Letters, 29 (10), pp. 855-857; Vladimirov, A.P., Galkin, E.N., Optical installation for using the speckle dynamics in the study of stochastic microdisplacements (2002) SPIE Proceedings, 4705, pp. 173-177
Correspondence Address Vladimirov, A.P.; Institute of Engineering Science, Urals Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 34 Komsomolskaya Str., Yekaterinburg, 620219, Russian Federation; email: vap@imach.uran.ru
Editors Derbov V.L.Melnikov L.A.Babkov L.M.
Sponsors SPIE Russia Chapter;CRDF - US CRDFISFSU (Russia);Almus, Ltd. (Russia);Erudite - 96, Ltd. (Russia)
Conference name Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 - Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling IV
Conference date 7 October 2003 through 10 October 2003
Conference location Saratov
Conference code 63957
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
Source Scopus