The second-order speckle mechano-optical effect: Theory and experiment / Vladimirov A.P., Udartsev E.V. // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. - 2002. - V. 5067, l. . - P. 99-106.

Conference Paper
The three-dimensional model of scattering deformable object is considered. On this basis, the expression for function of mutual spatial-temporal correlation of light intensity in free space is obtained. Some special cases allowing us to obtain analytical relations between object deformations and speckle displacements are discussed. Theoretically predicted effect of speckle displacement along the z axis is analyzed using the assumption about object deformation in xy plane. The experimental verification of this effect was carried out. The experimental setup and obtained data are discussed.
Author keywords:
Deformation; Laser; Speckle; Speckle displacement
Index keywords:
Correlation methods; Deformation; Helium neon lasers; Light interference; Light scattering; Optical correlation; Refractive index; Statistical methods; Tensors; Vectors; Mechanooptical effects; Speckl
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Affiliations Institute of Engineering Science, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Science, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Ural State Technical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Deformation; Laser; Speckle; Speckle displacement
References Goldfisher, L.J., Autocorrelation function and power spectral density of laser - Produced speckle pattern (1965) JOSA, 55 (3), pp. 247-253; Enloe, L.H., Noise - Like Structures in the Image of Diffusely Reflecting Objects in Coherent Illumination (1967) Bell System Technical Journal, 46 (7), pp. 1479-1489; Yamaguchi, I., Speckle displacement and decorrelation in the diffraction and image fields for small object deformation (1991) Optica Acta, 28, pp. 1359-1376; Yamaguchi, I., Fujita, T., Linear and rotary encoders using electronic speckle correlation (1989) Proc. SPIE, 1162, pp. 213-226; Yamaguchi, I., Takemori, T., Kobayachi, K., Stabilized and accelerated speckle strain gauge (1989) Proc. SPIE, 1162, pp. 187-200; Vladimirov, A.P., Three-dimensional diffuser and three-dimensional speckles (1998) Zshurnal Technicheskoj Phisiki, 68 (12), pp. 59-63; Vladimirov, A.P., Mikushin, V.I., Application of laser method of determination of vector components of relative displacements to analysis of cyclic deformations (1998) Proc. SPIE, 3411, pp. 129-136; Kolmogorov, V.L., Konovalov, A.V., Vladimirov, A.P., Theory of speckle dynamics of three - Dimensional deformations (1999) Report of Ural Department of Russian Academy of Science, , Institute of Engineering Science, No.01.99.0011613, Yekaterinburg; Goodman, J.W., (1975) Statisical Properties of Laser Speckle Pattern. Laser Speckle and Related Phenomena, pp. 351-354. , Ed. J.C.Dainty. Berlin; Heinelberg; New-York, Springer - Verlag; Wolf, E., Intensity fluctuations in stationary optical fields (1957) The Philosophical Magazine, 2 (15), pp. 351-354. , March, Ser.8; Vladimirov, A.P., (2002) Dynamic Speckle Interferometry of Deformable Objects, , Doctor dissertation. Institute of Engineering Science, Yekaterinburg; Anisimov, I.V., Kosel, C.M., Lokshin, G.R., About space-time statistical properties of coherent radiation, scattered from moving diffusely reflector (1969) Optica i Specktroskopiya, 27 (3), pp. 483-491; Vladimirov, A.P., Gorohov, A.A., Galkin, E.N., Lisin, A.L., Using speckle optics for studying the localization and determination of non-reversible deformations (2000) Proc. SPIE, 4002, pp. 128-134
Correspondence Address Vladimirov, A.P.; Institute of Engineering Science, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Science, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Editors Zimnyakov D.A.Derbov V.L.Melnikov L.A.Babkov L.M.
Sponsors SPIE Russia Chapter;CRDF;Res. and Educ. Center for Nonlinear Dyn. and Biophysics;Russian Foundation for Basic Research;Technoserv-S Ltd. (Russia)
Conference name Saratov Fall Meeting 2002: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling III; Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random media III
Conference date 1 October 2002 through 4 October 2002
Conference location Saratov
Conference code 62198
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
Source Scopus