Slag Granulation Plant with Dry Products Output / Sharanov M.A., Zajnullin L.A., Shul'mejster A.E., Dubichev V.R. // Stal'. - 1991. - V. , l. 1. - P. 10-12.

New technology of slag granulation has been worked out. It involves operations of crushing, short-term water cooling of crushed particles, discharge of granulated slag by conveyer with simultaneous desiccation and drying under the action of self-heat and shipping to storehouse for subsequent shipment to consumers. Flow sheet is presented used to produce dry granulated slag. The offered facility ensures explosion safety of process, allows a factor of ≈ 2.5 lower capital outlays, and power expenditures reduced by 4.5 kW×h÷t. The moisture content of slag materials is not in excess of 2-3 %. The slag temperature on conveyer was 250° C. The benefit due to the introduction of the suggested technology has been assessed.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Granular Materials - Drying; Process Engineering - Ecology; Slags - Granulation; Explosion Safety; Blast Furnace Practice
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Correspondence Address Sharanov, M.A.
CODEN 50007
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Stal
Source Scopus