The 57Fe hyperfine interactions in iron storage proteins in liver and spleen tissues from normal human and two patients with mantle cell lymphoma and acute myeloid leukemia: a Mössbauer effect study / Oshtrakh M.I., Alenkina I.V., Vinogradov A.V., Konstantinova T.S., Semionkin V.A. // Hyperfine Interactions. - 2015. - V. 230, l. 1-3. - P. 123-130.

Study of human spleen and liver tissues from healthy persons and two patients with mantle cell lymphoma and acute myeloid leukemia was carried out using Mössbauer spectroscopy with a high velocity resolution. Small variations in the 57Fe hyperfine parameters for normal and patient’s tissues were detected and related to small variations in the 57Fe local microenvironment in ferrihydrite cores. The differences in the relative parts of more crystalline and more amorphous core regions were also supposed for iron storage proteins in normal and patients’ spleen and liver tissues. © 2014, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Author keywords:
Ferritin; Hematological malignancies; Hyperfine interactions; Iron core; Liver and spleen tissues; Mössbauer spectroscopy
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Affiliations Department of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Department of Experimental Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Ural State Medical University, Repin str., 3, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Ferritin; Hematological malignancies; Hyperfine interactions; Iron core; Liver and spleen tissues; Mössbauer spectroscopy
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Correspondence Address Oshtrakh, M.I.; Department of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Hyperfine Interact.
Source Scopus