Use of detailed equivalent circuitmethod for investigation of electromagnetic, thermal and hydrodynamic processes in induction electric engineering units / Sarapulov F.N., Sarapulov S.F., Frizen V.E. // Acta Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved). - 2015. - V. 60, l. 2. - P. 131-153.

Basic simulation principles of electromagnetic, thermal and hydrodynamic processes in induction electric engineering units are presented. © 2015 Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i.
Author keywords:
contour flow; Equivalent circuit; finite differences; magnetic resistance
Index keywords:
Equivalent circuits; Hydrodynamics; contour flow; finite differences; Hydrodynamic process; Magnetic resistance; Fluid dynamics
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Affiliations Ural Federal University Named after First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, 19 Mira street, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords contour flow; Equivalent circuit; finite differences; magnetic resistance
References Yu. Sidorov, O., Sarapulov, F.N., Sarapulov, S.F., Metody konechnykh elementov i konechnykh raznostei v elektromekhanike i elektrotekhnologii (Finite element and finite difference methods in electromechanics and electrotechnology) (2010) Energoatomizdat Moskva; Ivanushkin, V.A., Sarapulov, F.N., Shimchak, P., Strukturnoe modelirovanie elektromekhanicheskikh sistem i ikh elementov (Structural modeling of electromechanical systems and their elements) (2000) ShchTU Szczecin; Sarapulov, F.N., Sarapulov, V.E., Frizen, S.F., Modelirovanie gidromekhanicheskikh protsessov v zhidkometallicheskom rotore induktsionnogo vrashchatelya (Simulation of hydromechanical processes in liquid metal rotor of induction spinning device) (2012) Proc. 15th Int. Sci. Techn. Conf Alternative Current Electric Drives Yekaterinburg, March, 12-16, pp. 151-154; Sarapulov, F.N., Frizen, V.E., Electromagnetic model of a multiphase inductive crucible furnace (2013) Russian Electrical Engineering, 84, pp. 165-170; Borisenko, A.I., Danko, V.G., Yakovlev, A.I., Aerodinamika i teploperedacha v elektricheskikh mashinakh (Aerodynamics and heat exchange in electric units) (1974) Energia Moskva; Patankar, S.V., Chislennye metody resheniya zadach teploobmena i dinamiki zhidkosti (Numerical methods of heat exchange and fluid dynamics problems solution) (1984) Energoatomizdat Moskva; Fatkullin, S.M., (2011) Formirovanie Energoeffektivnykh Rezhimov Raboty Induktsionnogo Pravilnogo Agregata (Formation of Energy Efficient Operation Modes of Induction Melting Unit, , Ph.D. dissertation Ural Federal University Yekaterinburg
Publisher Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Acta Tech CSAV
Source Scopus