Analysis of the ion component of a moving plasma / Zavada P.I., Kalmykov A.A., Skladnik-Sadovskaya E., -I.tereshin V., Chebotarev V.V., Yakubovskii V.G. // Plasma Physics. - 1977. - V. 19, l. 8. - P. 795-797.

An investigation of the energy spectra of the ions of a moving plasma enables one to determine a number of important plasma characteristics, such as the energy of directed motion of a plasma blob, the ion temperature, the plasma potential, the ion density and, very important, to estimate the percentage content of impurity ions in the plasma. The analysis of the measured energy spectra is considered for two cases: (1) An isotropic energy distribution of the ions in the centre of mass system of a plasma blob. (2) An anisotropic ion distribution with T/sub /// not=Tperpendicular to, which can occur for high velocity plasma blobs, when the formation time and the time of flight are less than tau ii.
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Art. No. 009
Affiliations Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Khar'kov, Russian Federation
References Green, TS, (1970) Plasma Phys., 12 (11), p. 877; Kalmykov, AA, Timofeev, AD, Pankrat`ev Yu, I, Tereshin, VI, Vereshchagin, VL, Zlatopol`skii, LA, (1963) Prib. Tekh. Eksp., (5), p. 142; Kalmykov, AA, Timofeev, AD, Pankrat`ev Yu, I, Tereshin, VI, Vereshchagin, VL, Zlatopol`skii, LA, (1963) Instrum. Exper. Technol., p. 922; Kantrowitz, A, Grey, J, (1951) Rev. Sci. Instrum., 22 (5), p. 328; Kogan, VI, (1958), 1; Kogan, VI, (1961), 1, p. 153; Leffel, CS, (1970) J. Appl. Phys., 41 (9), p. 3759; Zavada, PI, Kalmykov, AA, Tereshin, VI, Chebotarev, VV, (1972) Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 42 (11), p. 2326; Zavada, PI, Kalmykov, AA, Tereshin, VI, Chebotarev, VV, (1973) Soviet Phys. JETP, 17, p. 1817
Correspondence Address Zavada, P.I.; Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Khar'kov, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Source Scopus