Autodyne UHF geoinformation system on the base of planar Gunn diodes / Votoropin SD,Noskov VY // . - 2004. - V. , l. . - P. 124-127.

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Proceedings Paper
Presented in this paper are the results of theoretic research of autodyne UHF geoinformation system (GIS), using multifunction crystal with N mesaplanar structures as an active element. We considered continuous mode of GIS operation at polyharmonic generation, with GIS being radiated by its native reflected radiation at each harmonic. We received the basic ratios for autodyne response analysis. The conclusion has been made regarding peculiarities of self-oscillations of such autodynes. Further improvement of autodyne systems is concerned mainly with introduction of UHF band and creation of hybrid ICs for this band {[}2]. Now a great experience is accumulated in the field of design and wide use of autodyne GIS on planar transmission lines, executed using different types of active elements. The recently created UHF GIS for autodyne systems on the base of feeble current Gunn diodes have low mass and are efficient at rather high sensitivity {[}1-3]. Possibilities of autodyne systems are efficiently realized on the base of advanced unpackaged active elements, using GaAs structures {[}4-8]. Due to this fact it seems prospective to investigate autodyne characteristics of UHF oscillators, created on the base of fundamentally new structure of GIS active element. This is multifunction Gunn diode with low current drain in feed network, which is incorporated into resonant section of coplanar microstrip transmission line. From the ratios obtained {[}19] for multielement polyharmonic autodyne the basic expressions follow for analysis of a number of special cases. Thus, at changing of initial conditions of analysis problem, it is easy to get the basic expressions in the form of (10), as for single-frequency autodynes taking into consideration self-bias circuit (10) and without it (16), as for biharmonic (17) and multi-frequency autodynes. For n = 2 we have equations set, which describes response of two-element autodyne in the mode of synchronization of single-frequency oscillations.
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Book-Group-Author Weber Publ Co
Booktitle 14th International Crimean Conference: Microwave \& Telecommunication Technology, Conference Proceedings
Note 14th International Crimean Conference on Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, Sevastopol, UKRAINE, SEP 13-17, 2004
Language Russian
ISBN 966-7968-69-3
Research-Areas Engineering; Telecommunications
Web-of-Science-Categories Engineering, Electrical \& Electronic; Telecommunications
ORCID-Numbers Ignatkov, Kirill/0000-0001-6411-9287
Number-of-Cited-References 18
Doc-Delivery-Number BCQ93