Hemoglobin heterogeniety under conditions of abnormal erythropoiesis / Sumin M.N., Rezaikin A.V., Yushkov B.G. // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. - 2003. - V. 135, l. 6. - P. 563-565.

Experiments on rats showed that changes in the hemoglobin profile during hypoxia are determined by switching of erythropoiesis from the "basic" to "emergency" mode. The "basic" mode of erythropoiesis is typical of the mature organism under normal conditions. The "reserve" or "emergency" mode is realized in fetuses, senile animals, and during hypoxia. This mode is characterized by production of large erythrocytes with high content of fetal hemoglobin.
Author keywords:
Ageing; Hemoglobin subtypes; Hyperoxia; Hypoxia; Modes of erythropoiesis
Index keywords:
hemoglobin; hemoglobin; isoprotein; animal cell; animal experiment; animal model; article; blood oxygenation; blood sampling; bone marrow cell; cell fractionation; cell heterogeneity; controlled study
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0242552165&doi=10.1023%2fA%3a1025477202093&partnerID=40&md5=b6bbc0d90dcc6bc4a3b67988ad8c3686
Affiliations Inst. of Ecol./Genet. of Microorgan., Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Ageing; Hemoglobin subtypes; Hyperoxia; Hypoxia; Modes of erythropoiesis
Chemicals/CAS hemoglobin, 9008-02-0; Hemoglobins; Protein Isoforms
References Borisyuk, M.V., (1983) Uspekhi Fiziol. Nauk, 14 (1), pp. 85-101; Zapadenyuk, I.P., Zapadenyuk, V.I., Zakharia, E.A., Zapadenyuk, B.V., (1983) Laboratory Animals. Breeding, Keeping, and Handling in Experiments, , Kiev; Statrodu, N.F., Nazarenko, V.I., (1987) Heterogeneous System of Hemoglobins, , Structure, Properties, Synthesis, and Functional Role, Kiev; Alter, B.P., (1979) Exp. Hematol., 7, pp. 200-209; Bosch, F.H., Werre, J.M., Roerdinkholder-Stoelwinder, B., (1992) Blood., 79 (1), pp. 254-260; Kleihauer, E., Tang, T.E., Betke, K., (1967) Acta Haematol., 38, pp. 264-272; Murphy, J.R., (1973) J. Lab. Clin. Med., (2), pp. 334-341; Stamatoyannopoulos, G., Veith, R., Galanello, R., Papayannopoulou, T., (1985) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 445, pp. 188-197; Steinberg, M.H., (1997) Semin. Hemoglobin., 34 (3), pp. 8-14
Correspondence Address Sumin, M.N.; Inst. of Ecol./Genet. of Microorgan., Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email: sumin@horizon.e-burg.ru
PubMed ID 12937674
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Bull. Exp. Biol. Med.
Source Scopus