Effect of erythrocyte breakdown products on stem cells and erythropoietin formation / Uzhanskii Ya.G., Novikov N.M., Yushkov B.G., Karaulov A.V., Frash V.N. // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. - 1977. - V. 84, l. 2. - P. 1087-1090.

In experiments on CBA mice and albino rats the effect of erythrocyte breakdown products (EBP) on the number of colony-forming units (CFU), differentiation of stem cells, and erythropoietin production was studied. After three or four injections of EBP to normal or lethally irradiated (1000 rad) mice, no changes in the number of CFU or in differentiation of the stem cells were observed after transplantation of bone marrow. Daily administration of EBP to mice for 3 days before irradiation (1000 rad) and bone marrow transplantation led to an increase in the number of colonies in the recipients' spleen, mainly on account of colonies of erythroid type. Injection of EBP into the animals did not change the erythropoietic activity of the blood serum. The possible role of EBP in the mechanism of autoregulation of erythropoiesis is discussed. © 1978 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Author keywords:
erythrocyte breakdown products; erythropoietin; stem cells
Index keywords:
erythropoietin; animal experiment; blood and hemopoietic system; bone marrow cell; colony forming unit; erythrocyte; mouse; rat
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0018090562&doi=10.1007%2fBF00799183&partnerID=40&md5=e655bd975f5cef4e65f36d7ecbdcb9fd
Author Keywords erythrocyte breakdown products; erythropoietin; stem cells
Chemicals/CAS erythropoietin, 11096-26-7
References N. M. Novikov, “On the role of erythrocyte breakdown products in the mechanism of blood regeneration”, Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Sverdlovsk (1966); Serebryanaya, B.A., Moskaleva, G.P., Koretskaya, T.I., (1969) Patol. Fiziol., 6, p. 49; Ya. G. Uzhanskii, The Role of Erythrocyte Destruction in the Mechanism of Blood Regeneration [in Russian], Leningrad (1949); Ya. G. Uzhanskii, Physiological Mechanisms of Blood Regeneration [in Russian], Moscow (1968); V. N. Frash, “The study of the erythropoietic action of various erythrocyte breakdown products,” Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Sverdlovsk (1968); Brown, J.R., Altschuler, N., Cooper, J.A.D., (1963) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. (New York), 112, p. 840; Bruce, W.R., McCulloch, E.A., (1964) Blood, 23, p. 216; Erslev, A.J., (1971) J. Lab. Clin. Med., 78, p. 1; Hodgson, G.S., (1973) Cell Tissue Kinet., 6, p. 199; Iscove, N.N., Sieber, F., (1974) Exp. Hematol., 2, p. 278; Labardini, J., Sanchez-Medal, L., Arriaga, L., (1968) J. Lab. Clin. Med., 72, p. 419; Rachmilewirz, M., Rosin, A., STUDIES ON BONE MARROW IN VITRO (1944) The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 208, p. 193; Sanchez-Medal, L., Labardini, J., Loria, A., (1963) Blood, 21, p. 586; Smith, L.H., (1970) Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 32, p. 448; Till, J.E., McCulloch, E.A., A Direct Measurement of the Radiation Sensitivity of Normal Mouse Bone Marrow Cells (1961) Radiation Research, 14, p. 213
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Bull Exp Biol Med
Source Scopus