The solution of the Cauchy integral equation with a real-definite operator / Martyshko P. S.,Ladovskii I. V. // IZVESTIYA-PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH. - 2010. - V. 46, l. 2. - P. 173-182.

1069-3513 / нет данных
Boundary-value problems of logarithmic potential for piecewise homogeneous media are classified as problems of linear adjustment of piecewise analytical functions. The simple layer at the interface between contiguous regions satisfies the Cauchy equation with a real definite operator. For a closed K-parametrized analytical contour, this equation is equivalent to the Riemann-Gilbert boundary-value problem for a circle. The subspace of solutions on the functions of symmetry pairs of univalent functions is determined by the Cauchy formula. This paper addresses a new method for solving the boundary-value problem of stationary field adjustment, raised in geophysics applications, and is a natural extension to the earlier publication {[}Martyshko and Ladovskii, 2005].
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нет данных
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Month FEB
Address 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1578 USA
Language English
Research-Areas Geochemistry \& Geophysics
Web-of-Science-Categories Geochemistry \& Geophysics
ResearcherID-Numbers Martyshko, Peter/R-5902-2016
Funding-Acknowledgement Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch; Russian Foundation for Basic Research {[}08-05-00168a]
Funding-Text This work is supported by the Programs of Basic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, and by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant no. 08-05-00168a.
Number-of-Cited-References 17
Usage-Count-Since-2013 2
Journal-ISO Izv.-Phys. Solid Earth
Doc-Delivery-Number 554TI