Prototype of a primary calibration system for measurement of radon activity concentration / Mostafa M.Y.A., Vasyanovich M., Zhukovsky M. // Applied Radiation and Isotopes. - 2016. - V. 107, l. . - P. 109-112.

To calibrate measurement devices for monitoring the activity concentration of 222Rn in air, a prototype of a calibration facility is tested using a solid 226Ra source and a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. An emanation box was mounted on the detector for online gamma measurements. Inside this box, a 32.8kBq ±3% 226Ra standard source was placed. An AlphaGUARD control radon monitor was connected to the emanation box with a pumping air system in an open flow mode as a reference monitor. The emanation coefficient of the source was controlled online by comparing the gamma activity of 214Bi (Eγ=609.3keV), progeny of 226Ra, to that of the calibration source. A standard 137Cs source, installed within the emanation box, was used as a reference for gamma spectroscopy using the HPGe detector, with a total systematic error of 4% and a random error less than 2%. The ratio between gamma measurements and AlphaGUARD was 0.94±0.4; which is within the 9% uncertainties of AlphaGUARD calibration. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.
Author keywords:
Emanation factor; Radon; Radon decay products; Radon standard source
Index keywords:
Calibration; Radon; Ultraviolet spectroscopy; Uncertainty analysis; Activity concentration; Emanation coefficients; Emanation factor; Gamma spectroscopy; High purity germanium detectors; Radon activit
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Emanation factor; Radon; Radon decay products; Radon standard source
Chemicals/CAS cesium 137, 10045-97-3; germanium, 7440-56-4; radon 222, 14859-67-7
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Correspondence Address Mostafa, M.Y.A.; Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation
Publisher Elsevier Ltd
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Appl. Radiat. Isot.
Source Scopus