Influence of a coking additive from oil refining on coke properties (CRI and CSR) / Zorin M.V., Stakheev S.G. // Coke and Chemistry. - 2015. - V. 58, l. 9. - P. 342-344.

The influence of DK coking additive from oil refining—specifically, the solid product from the slow coking of heavy petroleum residues—in coal batch on the quality of the coke produced is studied in laboratory conditions. In comparison with coal concentrates, DK coking additive is characterized by lower ash content (Ad = 1.1%) and higher sulfur content (St d= 3.7%); the yield of volatiles Vdaf = 18.2%. The DK coking additive is added to the batch in doses of 4.8%, 9.1%, and 13%, with proportional decrease in the batch components. In other cases, DK coking additive is added to the batch in doses of 10%, in place of coal of the clinkering and coke groups. Coke is produced from the batch in the laboratory. The coal charge is 2 kg; the piece size is ≤3 mm. With increase in the content of DK coking additive to 13%, the strength of the coke after reaction (CSR) increases linearly from 49.2 to 54.9%, while the reactivity CRI declines linearly from 37.9 to 33.8%. The improvement in coke quality is greatest when GZh coal (a clinkering component) is replaced by the DK additive: CSR rises to 59.2% and CRI falls to 30.8%. The most promising approach is to replace the scarcest and most expensive coal—OS coal (the coke group) and KS coal (the lean group)—with DK additive, with 3.8% increase in CSR and 3.3% decrease in CRI. © 2015, Allerton Press, Inc.
Author keywords:
coal batch; coke quality; coking; coking additives; experimental batch; oil-refining byproducts
Index keywords:
Additives; Byproducts; Coal; Coal byproducts; Coking; Petroleum refining; Refining; Coal concentrates; Coke quality; experimental batch; Higher sulfur contents; Laboratory conditions; Oil refining; Pe
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Affiliations Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords coal batch; coke quality; coking; coking additives; experimental batch; oil-refining byproducts
References Sharma, R., Tiwari, H.P., Banerjee, P.K., Production of coke with high strength after reaction by stamp charged coke making (2014) Coal Chem., 57 (9), pp. 25-32; Roizen, L.S., Proceedings of a conference of cokeplant managers (2014) Koks Khim., 9, pp. 8-24; Grigorov, A.B., Zelenskii, O.I., Clinkering organic additives in coking batch: A review (2013) Coal Chem., 56 (7), pp. 248-252; Stukov, M.I., Posokhov, M.Yu., Zagainov, V.S., Litvin, E.M., Sukhov, S.V., Valyavin, G.G., Zaporin, V.P., Vetoshkin, N.I., and Mamaev, M.V., Russian patent 2355729, Byull. Izobret., 2009, no. 7; Mel’nikov, I.I., Kryachuk, V.M., Mezin, D.A., Influence of petroleum-based coking additive on the quality of coke batch, coke, and tar (2011) Coal Chem., 54 (12), pp. 447-449; Stukov, M.I., Zagainov, V.S., Kukolev, Y.B., Increasing the strength of metallurgical coke by adding modified petroleum coke to the coal batch (2009) Coal Chem., 52 (8), pp. 349-352; Duntsev, D.Y., Zublev, D.G., Tristan, V.M., Petroleum-based additives for coking batch (2014) Coal Chem., 57 (8), pp. 314-316
Correspondence Address Zorin, M.V.; Yeltsin Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation; email:
Publisher Allerton Press Incorporation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Coke Chem.
Source Scopus