Greenhouse-gas (CO2) emissions in the steel industry / Lisienko V.G., Lapteva A.V., Chesnokov Y.N., Lugovkin V.V. // Steel in Translation. - 2015. - V. 45, l. 9. - P. 623-626.

The greenhouse gas CO2 is produced copiously in the steel industry. Three types of carbon-dioxide emissions may be distinguished: emissions in the technological processes, emissions in transit, and the overall emissions. The overall CO2 emissions characterize the sum of the process and transit emissions. A classification of processes in the iron and steel industry is proposed, in terms of the mechanism by which the CO2 is formed. Five major sources are identified: furnaces, converters, open-hearth furnaces, blast furnaces, and coke batteries. The overall CO2 emissions are determined for six combinations of processes whose final product is steel. © 2015, Allerton Press, Inc.
Author keywords:
carbon dioxide; emissions; emissions graph; ferrous metallurgy; greenhouse gases; industrial processes; overall emissions
Index keywords:
Blast furnaces; Carbon dioxide; Global warming; Greenhouse gases; Industrial emissions; Metallurgical furnaces; Open hearth furnaces; Particulate emissions; Steelmaking; Carbon dioxide emissions; Coke
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Affiliations Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords carbon dioxide; emissions; emissions graph; ferrous metallurgy; greenhouse gases; industrial processes; overall emissions
References Potapochkin, A.N., Simonyan, L.M., Chernousov, P.I., Kosyrev, K.L., Consumption of carbon and CO2 emissions in the steel industry: Estimates (2004) Stal’, 9, pp. 69-72; Shevelev, L.N., Quantitative assessment the greenhouse-gas emissions in the Russian steel industry (2007) Stal’, 4, pp. 97-102; Shevelev, L.N., Assessing the greenhouse-gas emissions in the Russian steel industry (2008) Chern. Metall.: Byul. Inst. Chermetinformatsiya, 8, pp. 3-8; Kalenskii, I.V., Recommendations in assessing greenhouse-gas emissions at steel plants (2007) Stal’, 5, pp. 121-129; Kazakov, R.A., Zvolinskii, V.P., Chernousov, P.I., Improved approaches to assessing the greenhouse-gas emissions in the steel industry (2011) Metallurg, 12, pp. 27-31; Kazakov, R.A., Improving the Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions at Steel Plants (2013) Extended Abstract of Cand. Sci. Dissertation, Moscow; Chesnokov, Y.P., Lisienko, V.G., Lapteva, A.V., Models of indirect CO2 emissions in some metallurgical processes (2011) Stal’, 8, pp. 74-77; Chesnokov, Y.P., Lisienko, V.G., Lapteva, A.V., Graphs of carbon-dioxide emissions for metallurgical enterprises (2012) Metallurg, 12, pp. 23-26
Correspondence Address Lisienko, V.G.; Yeltsin Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation; email:
Publisher Allerton Press Incorporation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Steel Transl.
Source Scopus