Fast infinitesimal Fourier transform for signal and image processing via multiparametric and fractional Fourier transforms / Ostheimer E., Labunets V., Martyugin S. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1452, l. . - P. 19-27.

Conference Paper
The fractional Fourier transforms (FrFTs) is one-parametric family of unitary transformations {Fα}2πα=0. FrFTs found a lot of applications in signal and image processing. The identical and classical Fourier transformations are both the special cases of the FrFTs. They correspond to α = 0 (F0 = I) and α = π/2 (Fπ/2 = F), respectively. Up to now, the fractional Fourier spectra Fαi = Fαi {f}, i = 1,2,..., M, has been digitally computed using classical approach based on the fast discrete Fourier transform. This method maps the N samples of the original function f to the N samples of the set of spectra {Fαi}Mi=1, which requires MN (2 + log2 N) multiplications and MN log2 N additions. This paper develops a new numerical algorithm, which requires 2MN multiplications and 3MN additions and which is based on the infinitesimal Fourier transform.
Author keywords:
Fast fractional Fourier transform; Infinitesimal Fourier transform; Schrodinger operator; Signal and image analysis
Index keywords:
Algorithms; Digital signal processing; Discrete Fourier transforms; Fourier optics; Image analysis; Image processing; Mines; Classical approach; Fourier transformations; Fractional fourier; Fractional
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Affiliations Capricat LLC, 1340 S., Ocean Blvd., Pompano Beach, FL, United States; Ural Federal University, pr. Mira, 19, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; SPA Automatics, Named after Academician N.A. Semikhatov, Mamina Sibiryaka, 145, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Fast fractional Fourier transform; Infinitesimal Fourier transform; Schrodinger operator; Signal and image analysis
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Editors Panchenko A.Labunets V.G.Spirin N.Konstantinova N.Panchenko A.Delhibabu R.Khachay M.Y.
Sponsors et al.;Exactpro;GraphiCon;IT Centre;Krasovsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics;SKB Kontur;Ural Federal University
Publisher CEUR-WS
Conference name 4th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts, AIST 2015
Conference date 9 April 2015 through 11 April 2015
Conference code 116775
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title CEUR Workshop Proc.
Source Scopus