Mathematical modelling of nucleation and growth of crystals with buoyancy effects / Alexandrov D.V. // Philosophical Magazine Letters. - 2016. - V. 96, l. 4. - P. 132-141.

A complete analytical solution of the integro-differential model describing the nucleation of crystals and their subsequent growth in a binary system with allowance for buoyancy forces is constructed. An exact analytical solution of the Fokker-Planck-type equation for the three-parameter density distribution function is found for arbitrary nucleation kinetics. Two important cases of the Weber–Volmer–Frenkel–Zel’dovich and Meirs kinetics are considered in some detail. It is shown that the solute concentration decreases and the distribution function increases with increasing the melt supercooling (with increasing the depth of a metastable system). It is demonstrated that the distribution function attains its minimum at a certain size of crystals owing to buoyancy forces. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Author keywords:
buoyancy; crystal growth; Nucleation
Index keywords:
Crystal growth; Distribution functions; Fokker Planck equation; Nucleation; Density distribution functions; Differential models; Exact analytical solutions; Melt supercooling; Metastable systems; Nucl
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Affiliations Department of Mathematical Physics, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords buoyancy; crystal growth; Nucleation
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Correspondence Address Alexandrov, D.V.; Department of Mathematical Physics, Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation; email:
Publisher Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Philos Mag Lett
Source Scopus