Dynamical evolution of objects on highly elliptical orbits near high-order resonance zones / Kuznetsov E.D., Kudryavtsev S.O. // Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. - 2014. - V. 9, l. . - P. 168-169.

Conference Paper
Both analytical and numerical results are used to study high-order resonance regions in the vicinity of Molnya-type orbits. Based on data of numerical simulations, long-term orbital evolution are studied for objects in highly elliptical orbits depending on their area-to-mass ratio. The Poynting-Robertson effect causes a secular decrease in the semi-major axis of a spherically symmetrical satellite. Under the Poynting-Robertson effect, objects pass through the regions of high-order resonances. The Poynting-Robertson effect and secular perturbations of the semi-major axis lead to the formation of weak stochastic trajectories. © Copyright 2014 International Astronomical Union.
Author keywords:
celestial mechanics; high-order resonance; highly elliptical orbit; satellite; stochastic trajectory
Index keywords:
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84956560580&doi=10.1017%2fS1743921314008151&partnerID=40&md5=fcc2d857bd837ac9fb00ef532464b5c8
Affiliations Kourovskaya Astronomical Observatory, Ural Federal University, Lenin ave., 51, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords celestial mechanics; high-order resonance; highly elliptical orbit; satellite; stochastic trajectory
References Allan, R.R., (1967) Planet. Space Sci., 15, p. 53; Allan, R.R., (1967) Planet. Space Sci., 15, p. 1829; Bordovitsyna, T.V., Baturin, A.P., Avdyushev, V.A., Kulikova, P.V., (2007) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz., 50, p. 60; Kozai, Y., (1962) AJ, 67, p. 591; Kuznetsov, E.D., Zakharova, P.E., Glamazda, D.V., Shagabutdinov, A.I., Kudryavtsev, S.O., (2012) Solar System Research, 46, p. 442; Lidov, M.L., (1962) Planet. Space Sci., 9, p. 719; Sun, R.-Y., Zhao, C.-Y., Zhang, M.-J., Hou, Y.-G., (2013) Adv. Sp. Res., 51, p. 2136
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc. Int. Astron. Union
Source Scopus