Verification of H2O lines from the HITRAN database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition / Rokotyan N.V., Zakharov V.I., Sinitsa L.N., Voronin B.A., Lavrentieva N.N., Dudaryonok A.S. // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. - 2015. - V. 9680, l. .

Conference Paper
The quality of the spectroscopic line parameters from the HITRAN Database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition of the atmosphere is widely discussed. In this research we show that the HITRAN-2008 data for H2O isotopologues in the near infrared spectral range (4000-6400 cm-1) is reasonably good. The HITRAN data was tested with independent calculation (ab initio et al.). For the evaluation we've used two following criteria: A quality of the fitting of atmospheric spectra measured at the Ural Atmospheric Station (UAS, Kourovka) with the high-resolution Fourier-Transform infrared spectrometer and an agreement between the retrieved HDO/H2O relative concentration ratios in the atmospheric column and the results of the simulation of the isotopic general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso (validated for Kourovka region). © 2015 SPIE.
Author keywords:
Contour of spectral line; Fourier-Transform IR spectrometry; General circulation model; Kourovka; Line width and shift coefficients; Remote sensing; Semi-classical impact theory.; Water vapour isotopes
Index keywords:
Calculations; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Geophysics; Infrared devices; Isotopes; Spectrometers; Water vapor; General circulation model; Impact theory; IR spectrometry; Kourovka; Shift co
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Art. No. 96800I
Affiliations Ural Federal University, str. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, 1, sq. ac. Zuev, Tomsk, Russian Federation; National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Contour of spectral line; Fourier-Transform IR spectrometry; General circulation model; Kourovka; Line width and shift coefficients; Remote sensing; Semi-classical impact theory.; Water vapour isotopes
Funding Details 15-01-05984, RFBR, Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Funding Text The research was partly supported by the grant RFBR 15-01-05984
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Editors Matvienko G.G.Romanovskii O.A.
Sponsors Russian Foundation for Basic Research;Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Publisher SPIE
Conference name 21st International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics
Conference date 22 June 2015 through 26 June 2015
Conference code 117483
ISBN 9781628419085
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng
Source Scopus