Parallel algorithms for synthesizing and processing of 3D radio holographic images / Kalmykov Al.A., Dobryak V.A., Kalmykov An.A., Kurilenko A.S., Akimova E.N., Skurydina A.F., Misilov V.E. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - 2016. - V. 1576, l. . - P. 521-529.

Conference Paper
This paper is devoted to the algorithm for synthesizing of 3D radio holographic images. Computational complexity of the algorithm is estimated. The algorithm was parallelized for multicore processors and GPUs. The numerical experiments estimating the algorithm performance for real applications were carried out. The further way to improve the quality of synthesized images is proposed.
Author keywords:
3D images; CUDA; Fast Fourier transform; Fredholm equations; Inverse problems; Iterative regularization; OpenMP; Parallel computations; Principle of maximum entropy; Subsurface radiolocation
Index keywords:
Algorithms; Application programming interfaces (API); Computational complexity; Fast Fourier transforms; Holography; Integral equations; Inverse problems; Iterative methods; Program processors; Radio
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Affiliations Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Russian Federation; Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Author Keywords 3D images; CUDA; Fast Fourier transform; Fredholm equations; Inverse problems; Iterative regularization; OpenMP; Parallel computations; Principle of maximum entropy; Subsurface radiolocation
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Editors Starodubov I.Sokolinsky L.
Publisher CEUR-WS
Conference name 10th Annual International Scientific Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, PCT 2016
Conference date 29 March 2016 through 31 March 2016
Conference code 121197
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title CEUR Workshop Proc.
Source Scopus