Effect of Refining Slag Phase Composition on Ladle Furnace Unit Lining Life1 / Sheshukov O.Y., Nekrasov I.V., Mikheenkov M.A., Egiazar’yan D.K., Ovchinnikova L.A., Kashcheev I.D., Zemlyanoi K.G., Kamenskikh V.A. // Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. - 2016. - V. 57, l. 2. - P. 109-116.

The working layer of a ladle furnace unit (LFU) lining made from periclase-graphite refractory is most strongly subjected to the effect of corrosion factors that concern thermal, mechanical, and chemical action. The strongest destructive effect on a lining is the chemical factor. This article provides results of studying the effect slag phase composition on chemical breakdown of a LFU periclase-graphite lining. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Author keywords:
belite; ladle furnace unit (LFU); periclase-graphite refractory; secondary aluminum production waste (SAPW); slag
Index keywords:
Furnaces; Graphite; Ladles; Magnesia; Phase composition; Refractory materials; Slags; belite; Chemical breakdown; Chemical factors; Corrosion factor; Destructive effects; Graphite refractory; Ladle fu
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Affiliations FGBUN Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Section, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; FGAOU VPO Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords belite; ladle furnace unit (LFU); periclase-graphite refractory; secondary aluminum production waste (SAPW); slag
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Correspondence Address Mikheenkov, M.A.; FGBUN Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Section, Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation; email: silast@mail.ru
Publisher Springer New York LLC
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Refract. Ind. Ceram.
Source Scopus