Transformation processes of the corporate development in Russia: Corporate social responsibility / Belyaeva Z.S. // Economy of Region. - 2011. - V. , l. 1. - P. 142-146.

The financial and economic crisis made visible the level of readiness to changes in the different types of organizations throughout the world and Russia. The variation of social and economic programmes implemented by governmental and corporate sectors is widely seen; not all of them work positive for population, especially in the emerging markets countries. In the same time twenty years of the market economics in Russia, for instance, have definitely built a new social and economic system, but whether we have changed fundamentally in the management techniques? The research generalizes some trends of the corporate development in Russia in the context of social responsibility and socio-economic transformation. The author attempts to define the Russia's place on the world map of corporate social responsibility.
Author keywords:
Corporate development; Corporate social responsibility; Managerial leadership
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Author Keywords Corporate development; Corporate social responsibility; Managerial leadership
References (2010),, url:, 24.11; Granovetter, M., Economic action and social structure: A theory of embeddedness (1985) American Journal of Sociology, (91), pp. 481-510; Freeman, R.E., (1984) Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, 276p. , B.: Pitman Publishers; Pfeffer, J., (1997) New Directions for Organizational Theory, 264p. , N. Y.: Oxford University Press; Scott, W.R., (2000) Institutions and Organizations: Foundations for Organizational Science, 277p. , Sage Publications, Inc, 2nd ed; (2009) Russia and Slovakia: Modern Tendencies of Demographic and Socioeconomic Processes, 218p. , General Editor: Academician Tatarkin A. I. Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch
Correspondence Address Belyaeva, Z.S.
Publisher Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Econ. Reg.
Source Scopus