Methodology attitude and instruments for structural and functional analysis of the regional development / Ignatyeva Y.D., Mariev O.S. // Economy of Region. - 2013. - V. , l. 1. - P. 226-237.

A purpose of this paper is the development of regional socioeconomic systems analysis methodology and analytical instruments. The offered methodology is based on the estimation of regional socioeconomic systems functions and factors of productive forces location and development. The base of this estimation is the analysis of socioeconomic indicators and typological groups of regional systems. The method of this analysis and original instruments of this analysis on the basis of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps are proposed. The main stages of the methodology procedure are described. The paper considers execution of this methodology on the example of the Russian regions. Some directions of their socioeconomic development are substantiated.
Author keywords:
Kohonen's self-organizing Maps; Regional socioeconomic system; Structural and functional analysis; Typology of regional systems
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Affiliations Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscovskaya st. 29, 620014, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Department of Econometrics and Statistics, Ural Federal University, Lenina avenue 51, 620000, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Kohonen's self-organizing Maps; Regional socioeconomic system; Structural and functional analysis; Typology of regional systems
References Ignatyeva, Ye.D., Mariev, O.S., (2010) Analiz Sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo Razvitiya Territoriy Na Osnove Pokazateley Razmeshcheniya Proizvoditelnykh Sil [the Analysis of Socioeconomic Development of Territories on the Basis of Indicators of Productive Forces' Location], p. 36. , Yekaterinburg. Institut ekonomiki UrO RAN [Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science]; Ignatyeva, Ye.D., Mariev, O.S., (2011) Sovershenstvovaniye Metodologii i Instrumentariya Analiza Potentsiala Samorazvitiya Sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh Podsistem Regiona [Methodology Development for Analysis of the Potential of Self-development of Region Subsystems], 5, pp. 105-114. , Vestnik UrFU [Bulletin of USTU] Economics and Management; Zubarevich, N., Est Regiony Samorazvivayushchiyesya A Est «khrebtovyye» [There Are Self-develpment Regions but Some Spine Ones], ,; (2011) Regiony Rossii.Sotsialno-ekonomicheskiye Pokazateli. 2011: Stat. Sb. [Russia Regions. Socio-economic Indexes. 2011: Statistical Abstract, p. 990. , Federalnaya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistike [Federal State Statistics Service]. Moscow; Rodionov, V.G., (2008) Tekhonologiya Modelirovaniya Dinamiki Sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh Sistem v Usloviyakh Rosta Neopredelyonnosti [Technology of Modeling of Dynamics of Socioeconomic Systems in the Conditions of Uncertainty Growth], 5 (94), pp. 105-115. , Vestnik UGTU-UPI [The Bulletin of USTU] Economics and Management; Lugovoy, O., (2007) Ekonomiko Geograficheskiye i Institutsionalnyye Aspekty Ekonomicheskogo Rosta v Regionakh [Economic and Geographical and Institutional Aspects of Economic Growth in Regions], , Konsortsium po voprosam priklad. ekon. issled., Kanadskoye agentstvo po mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu [Consortium concerning applied economic studies. Canadian International Development Agency]. Moscow, IEPP [Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy] Available at: *
Publisher Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Econ. Reg.
Source Scopus