Synthesis and antiinflammatory properties of carboxyphenylamides of nicotinic and isonicotinic acid 1-oxides / Danilenko V.F., Portnyagina V.A., Klebanov B.M., Ryabukha T.K. // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. - 1980. - V. 13, l. 7. - P. 714-717.

[No abstract available]
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Affiliations Kiev Scientific-Research Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR
References M. D. Mashkovskii, Drugs, Part 1 [in Russian], 8th Edition, Moscow (1977), pp. 484–487; British Patent No. 919073; South African Patent No. 6704340; West German Patent No. 1238920; Fioretti, M.C., Martani, A., (1968) Ann. Fac. Med. Perugia, 59, p. 703; Barton, D.H., Linnell, W., Senior, N., (1944) J. Pharm. (London), 17, p. 325; Barton, D.H.R., Linnell, W.H., Senior, N., 109. 4-(4?-Aminobenzenesulphonamido)resorcinol 3-benzoate and some related compounds (1945) Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed), p. 436; Ionmaus, G., Feldman, W., Doub, L., (1946) Am. Rev. Tuberculosis, 54, p. 295; Kushner, S., Dalaian, H., Cassel, R., (1948) J. Org. Chem., 13, p. 834; Cote, L., Ollson, I., (1951) J. Bacteriol., 61, p. 463; Clauder, O., (1949) Magy. Kem. Lapja, 4, p. 596; Belavite, V., Martina, A., (1967) Gazz. Chim. Ital., 97, p. 135; U. S. Patent No. 3462532; Komlos, E., Porzasz, M., (1950) Acta Physiol. Acad. Sci. Hung., 1, p. 77
Correspondence Address Danilenko, V.F.; Kiev Scientific-Research Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Pharm Chem J
Source Scopus