UrFU Electronic Resources

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Name of Resource /
Publishing Company
Kind / Topics
Questel Patent

Full-text database


Orbit Premium edition (Orbit Intelligence Premium) is a patent database integrating information on 122 mln+ patents derived from 120 international patent offices, including Rospatent, World Intellectual Property Organization, European Patent Organization. Database includes not only verified patents, but also documents at all publication stages. Major part of documents contains abstracts in English, full texts are in the language of the original document.
The platform Orbit Premium edition consists of three collections:
• FullText,
• FullPat,
• FamPat.
Questel extended coverage of non-patent materials, Orbit Premium edition provides access to:
• 150 mln of scholarly publications from 50,000+ journals and reviews.
• 322,000 clinical researches.
• 260,000 grants and projects.

- from UrFU corporate network

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

REAXYS, Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

Factual database
Abstract database


Reaxys® presents chemical documents and patents providing information on properties and reactions of substances, and experiments.
Module Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry® covers the field of substances bioactivity and allows to analyze the relationships between chemical compounds and targets. The module is to facilitate information search on substances bioactivity and allows evaluate the perspectives of their influence of living organisms.

Detailed information on Reaxys in English:

- from UrFU corporate network
- remote access through EZproxy system

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2022

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Full-text database


Access journals from The Royal Society of Chemistry in the English language. Full texts in pdf and html.

List of journals.

The web-site of The Royal Society of Chemistry provides access to the repository of RSC journals (1841-2007), also available from: http://archive.neicon.ru/.

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

SAGE Publications Ltd

Full-text database

Interdisciplinary (natural sciences, engineering, medcine, humanities and social sciences)

Journal collection by Sage Publications from.
SAGE Title List.

The archive from 1800 to 1998 is also available.
SAGE archive journals.
Access to the archive (1800-1998) also from: http://archive.neicon.ru/.

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)

Full-text database


The Science interdisciplinary journal is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) since its founding in 1880. Full-text archive since 1880 to this day is available.

Access to the journal archive (1880-1896) is also possible from http://archive.neicon.ru/.

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

ScienceDirect Freedom Collection

Full-text database


ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers. It combines
- electronic full-text scientific interdisciplinary journals in the English language. The Freedom Collection is available spanning 23 subject categories covering from 2002 up to this day.

eBooks collections: Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy;
- reference works Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry II, Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry III.

Freedom books collectionaround 5,000 books in 24 natural science, technical and health disciplines.The collection includes current-year books and repository for previous four years. Books list.

Journals list.

User guide (in Russian).
ScienceDirect Tutorials (in English).

Some of the articles from 162 journals on nanotechnology by Elsevier (2000-2010) are available in eLibrary.ru. To read full texts in eLibrary.ru requires personal registration.

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

Chemical Abstract Service (CAS)

Bibliographic database
Factual database
Abstract database

Chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry and related disciplines

SciFindern is CAS online resource to search and analyse scholarly information in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nano technologies, physics, geology, metallurgy and others.

SciFindern provides search of chemical compounds and reactions by names, structures, chemical formulas, properties, spectrum, and by traditional bibliographic discription elements, as well as simulate retrosynthesis.

The databases indexes articles from 50,000+ academic journals from 1987 as well as patents from 63 patent offices? among them from RF, China, Korea, India.
Помимо этого, SciFindern предоставляет доступ к следующим базам данных: CAplus, REGISTRY, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS, MARPAT, MEDLINE.

SciFindern has a module PatentPak и MethodsNow.

Log in: https://origin-scifinder.cas.org/registration/index.html?corpKey=A5D87428X86F350ABX14233DEE40B99A4FAC.

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system.

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2022


Abstract database


The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, indexes more than 21 thousand scientific journals, among them 300 Russian ones, published by more than 5 thousand publishing houses.

The materials from Elsevier website:
List of the Russian journals index in Scopus (for March, 2017).
Source title list (for May, 2016).
User guide (in Russan).
Content coverage guide.
Author corrections guide (in Russian).
Scopus Title suggestion (form).
Requirements and order of jounral selection.

Analytics function allows to analyze search results and compare sources on a variety of bibliometric parameters (SNIP и SJR).
Affiliation details page provides information about affiliations and analysis of their research activity.
Author details page cover the research areas of interest and other pertinent information regarding an author's publication history.

Video Moed Lecture Russia Ural version "Bibliometric measurements for research evaluation: scientist, group, organization and country (URL: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/23904).

- from UrFU corporate network;
- remote access through EZproxy system.

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

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