UrFU Electronic Resources

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Name of Resource /
Publishing Company
Kind / Topics
Springer Materials
Springer Nature

Full-text database
Factual database

Physics, Materials Science, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Engineering

SpringerMaterials is a database identifying material properties (of metals and alloys, organic substances, ceramics, glass, polymers, composites, atoms and nucleuses) from various sources in material science, chemistry, physics, engineering and interdisciplinary areas. SpringerMaterials includes:

· Classic Landolt-Börnstein, Springer Handbooks & SpringerMaterials Fundamentals Handbooks – collection of reference books (over 480 volumes) in chemical and physical properties of materials

· Linus Pauling Files (section Inorganic Solid Phases) ­ relational database including crystal structures, phase diagrams and physical properties for inorganic solid phases

· MSI Eureka ­ a database of high-quality, evaluated phase diagrams and related constitutional data for inorganic substances

· Polymer Thermodynamics Database (ATHAS) ­ contains 30,000 points for 150 polymers and macromolecules

· Dortmund Databank of Separation Technology ­ includes thermophysical properties of pure components and their mixtures

· Adsorption Database ­ contains information on 1500 isotherms and 60+ adsorbents

· NIST Corrosion Database ­ includes 25,000 records for 1,000 metal systems and 275 types.

Year span: 2022

User guide: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/18246754/data/v3

User guide and tutorials: https://www.springernature.com/gp/librarians/tools-services/learn/tutorials-training-sessions#c18076376

- from UrFU corporate network
- Remote access – see information on the publisher’s Remote Access page

Access is open to:
29 декабря 2023

Springer Nature Protocols and Methods
Springer Nature

Full-text database
Abstract database

Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Cancer Research, Cell Biology, Genetics/Genomics, Imaging/Radiology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience, Pharmacology/Toxicology, Plant Sciences, Protein Science

Springer Nature Protocols and Methods ­ a new research solution for 75,000 actual protocols and methods in the areas of biomedicine and life sciences for the recent 30 years. The database has united the resources of Nature Protocols, SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, and Nature Reviews Methods Primers.

Year span: 1980-2023

List of available items: https://podpiska.rfbr.ru/storage/kbarts/podpiska2021/SpringerProtocols_2021.txt


- from UrFU corporate network;

- Remote access – see information on the publisher’s Remote Access page


Access is open to:
29 декабря 2023

Springer Nature

Full-text database


SpringerLink is one of the world leading international academic publishers. It publishes 3,000+ journals covering all the areas of modern science and medicine

Available sources:

1.Springer Journals ­ a full-text interdisciplinary collection of Springer e-journals

Year span: 2018-2023.

List of available full-text journals: http://podpiska.rfbr.ru/storage/kbarts/podpiska2022/SpringerNature/Springer_Journals_2022.xlsx

2. Nature Journals – a full-text collection of journals by Nature Publishing Group integrating into Springer Nature, includes journals by the following publishers: Nature, Academic journals, Scientific American, and Palgrave Macmillan.

2.1 Collection Nature Journals includes thematic and interdisciplinary journals publishing not only articles and primary researches, but also reviews, critical comments, news, and analytical materials in all areas..

2.2. Collection Academic journals contains academic journals highlighting advanced researches in the field of clinics, biomedicine and physics.

2.3. Journal Scientific American highlights topical themes and events in sciences and engineering.

Access: https://www.nature.com.

3. Collection Palgrave Macmillan includes journals in humanities, social sciences and business aimed at scholars, specialists and librarians.

Access: https://link.springer.com

Year span: 2018-2023

Springer Journals Archive – full-text interdisciplinary Springer journal repository on SpringerLInk platform: https://link.springer.com/.

Year span: 1832-1996

List of available full-text items: https://podpiska.rfbr.ru/storage/kbarts/podpiska2022/SpringerNature/SpringerNature_Journals_Archive1832-1996_2022.xls

Search tips, FAQ: https://support.springer.com/en/support/solutions/folders/6000233883

Unlimited access resources:

Social Sciences Package

Life Sciences Package

Physical Sciences & Engineering Package

- from UrFU corporate network
- Remote access – see information on the publisher’s Remote Access page

Access is open to:
29 декабря 2023

Web of ScienceTM Core Collection
Web of Science


Contains expanded Journal citation reports grouped by subject principle.

Access is suspended by the decision of the right holder

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2019

Zentralblatt MATH-ZMATH
Springer Nature

Bibliographic database

Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Information Science, Engineering, Physics, Natural Sciences, etc.

Zentralblatt MATH-ZMATH is the world’s most comprehensive mathematical database. The coverage starts in late 19th century. The zbMATH contains about 4 m bibliographic entries currently drawn from about 3,000 journals and serials, and 170,000 books in mathematics, statistics, information science, engineering, physics, natural sciences, etc.

Since January 1, 2021 zbMATH database is an open-access resource. Materials from zbMATH can be freely spread for personal non-commercial use.

Tutorial video (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX_P4BqGejUulMbSWUAtE8Ie6qEsxOrme


Open-access resource

Access is open to:
31 декабря 2030

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