Excursion to the Department of Rare Books for the students of Ural College of Economics

среда 4 мая 2022, 14:05


In April 2022 the students in “Documentary support of management and archival science” had a tour of the Department of Rare Books of the UrFU Library (4 Turgeneva St., room 356).

The students learned the history of the department and peculiarities of books maintenance. They also enjoyed such unique materials as “Instruction of Catherine the Great” and “Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire”.

You can sign up for an excursion by phone +7 (343) 389-94-48 or email at ork@urfu.ru. The number of participants of the excursion is no more that ten people. Working hours of the Department of Rare Books: from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, on Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm.

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