International philologist’s day

среда 25 мая 2022, 14:08

International philologist’s day

Yearly on May 25 the Philologist Day is celebrated around the world. It is a professional holiday of specialists who study languages, literary heritage and folklore. In Russia the Philologist Day follows another holiday associated with language – the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.

It is interesting that in Ural Federal University the Philologist Day is traditionally celebrated in April, right before the summer exam session. Due to a very packed program the celebration goes on for several days. Faculty, students and alumni of the department «Philological faculty» as well as other guests take part in these activities. Two scientific conferences are held on these days: one for professors and another for students. Every year a new theme is selected from different aspects of philological disciplines. The Philologist Day includes such significant events as translators’ competition, theatrical skits, quizzes, concerts, expressive reading contest on different languages, meetings with Ural’s creative intelligentsia.

Ural Federal University Library invites you to get acquainted with a variety of resources on philological sciences (you can check their availability using the Library electronic catalog). Today the Library printed collection presents classical and modern works on linguistics, literary studies, folklore studies in the form of monographs, collections, and textbooks published in Russian and foreign languages. The periodicals circulation desk offers a wide section of journals in philology.

Scholarly research in philological disciplines is also available in the UrFU electronic subscription such as: Electronic Library System "University Library ONLINE"; Russian and international databases, such as eLIBRARY, East View, SpringerLink, JSTOR, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, etc.

On the Philologist Day it would be especially interesting for the international students to take part in an expressive reading contest in different languages. While the Library collections will open the fascinating world of philology.

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