World Environment Day

вторник 7 июня 2022, 12:56


A person can only develop in keeping with nature, and not in spite of it.
Vitaly Bianki (writer)

World Environment Day is marked annually on June 5. World Environment Day was established in December 1972 by the UNO General Assembly in order to draw attention of the general public to environmental issues, to induce political interest and appropriate action. The day of the beginning of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment was chosen to be celebrated annualy.
The participants of the conference created The Stockholm Declaration, which established 26 principles of environmental protection. Responsibilities and obligations were imposed on member states.

Another occasion that is marked in Russia on June 5 is Ecologist’s Day established by an Executive Order of the President of Russia in 2007. It is the day when ecological marathons, lectures, exhibitions and other events take place in pursuit of developing a rational management of resources and environmental responsibility.
The main principles of the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation are laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Legal foundation of national environmental policy is defined by the Federal Law on Environmental Protection as well as a number of other Federal Laws on ecological and radiological safety of the population and on natural resources.

Resources provided by the information system Tekhexpert: Ecology. Prof (Техэксперт: Экология. Проф) include “The Ecologist’s Reference Book” section («Справочник эколога»), which is aimed at helping users specialising in environmental protection and contains all the necessary information used in ecologist’s everyday work. The overview of “The Ecologist’s Reference Book” journal issues may be of interest for students and experts alike. The resource Tekhexpert: Ecology. Prof is available to users from the UrFU network.

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